A Peaceful Continuum


Those who don’t accomplish much

and some of those who do

Think their only turn of luck is to 

somehow turn the screw

On some undeserving schmuck

So they too should pay their dues

And learn to not accomplish much

But somehow think they do

Bitter unrequited will, 

undone by their desires

Stop to taste the berries but 

get caught up in the briars

Too much too soon can burn the ground

Like too much fertilizer

And when there is no fruit to bear

These are none the wiser:

Those who do not plant the ground

Or plan around the seasons

Will always come up short except for

Being long on reasons

As to why their ground is dry -

No hive to keep the bees in

Who’s around to till the ground

But he who puts the seed in

The quickest path from a to b

Is always a straight line

And if you want to plow a row

You must learn to set your eyes

On the other side, something distant

As your guide

Yet all that you’ve accomplished 

Was only moving towards the prize

Some who don’t accomplish much

And also those who do

Both find out that all their doubts

Can turn out to be true

Still the ones who do much more

But know before they do

Are less let down, into the ground

When their days are through