Palmer Artist Does the Dishes

Contributed by Kristen Spencer

The pun is almost irresistible. The next time someone calls and asks, “what are you up to?” I’m gonna say: “I’m doing the dishes!” Yup, that’s right. I scrounge up glass and ceramic dishware and turn it into art for the garden. It was only supposed to be a hobby, as starting a business was never on my plate. 

I moved to Palmer from Anchorage about six years ago with the normal expectations. When things didn’t turn out as planned, I had to get creative. That’s when I started “Make It A Garden”. Surprisingly, it was this simple, little endeavor that has opened doors and helped me make connections.

Gardens have always been a source of inspiration for me. I’d been in the process of developing my outdoor spaces, transplanting all the perennials from my former home, putting in a lawn, getting a little garden shed built. But art is what transforms mere spaces into places. 

When you look at the cover of a gardening magazine, you see the flowers, but the emotional appeal – what makes you yearn to be there – is the artistic design elements in that setting. Art is the magic that makes a bland wooden fence spring to life, or turns the average storage shed into a charming focal point. There are many creative and affordable ways to make backyards and gardens more fun and inspiring places to spend time.

It’s kinda weird, but growing up, I had very little interest in art at all. My family came to Alaska in 1968. My mom planted a huge vegetable garden in the backyard and us kids had to put in some time during the summer. That’s how I learned gardening. 

After High School, I went into radio broadcasting and worked at local stations for about ten years. Maybe that’s where it all started. I worked with some very creative and imaginative people. That was followed by a brief stint with Alaska State Parks, and then thirteen years as a program coordinator for Neighborhood Crime Watch. Now, you’ll most likely find me at Bishops Attic!

I’m always on the lookout for unusual things as I tend to experiment a lot with my designs. Each item is distinctly one-of-a-kind. It’s more challenging artistically and often, I’m never quite sure myself how a certain piece will turn out. The real reward though, is in the smiles they bring. It’s all about the simple pleasure of giving ordinary things new life, which in return has given me a new life as an entrepreneur and craftsman.