The Alaska Holocaust

Contributed by Cindy Roediger, Abolish Abortion Anchorage/Mat-Su Valley Society

Alaska has been a part of the Abortion Holocaust since 1970. Currently five Alaskans are murdered every day, over 1,500 a year through abortion. America’s Abortion Holocaust, with over 60 million murdered is greater then the Holocaust of Nazi Germany. Where are the pastors of Christian churches demanding that we uphold God’s commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Murder”? There was a time in American history when pastors understood their role to speak into the heart of civil government.

The Black-Robed Regiment of the colonial period, consisted of pastors (hence, the black robes) that preached the Bible unashamedly. They knew that you could not have religious liberty without civil liberty. Scriptural passages such as, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34) were at the heart of their exhortations.

Men like Pastor John Muhlenberg stood in front of his congregation on Jan. 21, 1776 in Woodstock, VA, preaching from Ecclesiastics 3:8 “There is a time of war and a time of peace.” Muhlenberg said, “There is a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray. But there is also a time to fight, and that time has now come! Men, it is now time to fight for Liberty.” As a leader in the army, and eventually promoted to Major General, he backed up his convictions with action, believing civil and religious liberties are inseparable. 

Frank Moore states in his book, “The Patriot Preachers of the American Revolution, 1862”: “The preachers of the Revolution did not hesitate to attack the great political and social evils of their day…. The Fathers did not divorce politics and religion, but they denounced the separation as ungodly.”

Sadly, most of our pastors have divorced God from political, civil matters and assemblies by their silence, reticence and taking anti-biblical positions of compromise.

Some of the anti-biblical, compromising positions pushed by the Alaska pro-life establishment reveal a secular and pragmatic approach to the issue of the murder of the unborn. These positions demonstrate a trust in human efforts over the Word of God and reveal a trust in worldly wisdom. They also reveal a pietistic mindset that is more of a pretended holiness than a sincere desire to uphold the commandments of God.

Some such bills in the Alaska Senate financial committee that are reflective of these compromises include:
•    SB 124: which only gives aid to the pre-born Alaska child that survives the murder attempt on their life from abortion. By Senator Giessel. Sponsored by Rep. Tilton, Kopp, Millett, Sullivan-Leonard, Saddler, Rauscher, LeDoux and Giessel. Supported by Sen. Coghill, Costello, Kelly, Shower and Hughes.
•    SJR 14: which regulates if the mother is a minor, she must first get the grandparent of her child to be an accomplice to murder by consenting to murder. By Senators Olson, Hughes, Micciche, MacKinnon, Meyer, Wilson, Coghill, Kelly and Giessel.

Many pro-lifers rejoice at such proposals without realizing that by supporting these bills they are merely attempting to save 1% of the pre-born, while compromising the remaining 99% to their death. Many argue, “We’re making progress. It is a step in the right direction. Isn’t it better to save some rather than none?” Such attitudes reflect a people who do not take God’s Word seriously.

We are told in the book of James, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27). Those who are being murdered in the womb are orphans, and God tells us to rescue them from death and hold back their mothers from their murderous intent (Proverbs 24:11-12).

Pro-life establishments and professing Christians state they want to abolish abortion, yet fail to support the only current bill in Alaska which actually proposes to abolish abortion; HB 250, by Rep. David Eastman, Johnson, Rauscher and Sullivan-Leonard, calls abortion murder and treats it as such. When passed, abortion would be treated as the murder of a human being, despite their location.

Pastors, it is time to take encouragement from The Black-Robed Regiment and provide the leadership necessary to be a voice of exhortation. P5i2viK-C8o

The belief that God has endowed humanity with His image is what ought to drive all our actions in preserving the sanctity of life. Call your legislators, and express that SB 124/SJR 14 should be amended, replacing the language of compromise with the immediate unwavering language of HB 250 “Alaska Life at Conception Act”. This is the immediate road to ending the abortion holocaust in Alaska. We can only pray that the rest of the states of American will follow suit.