A New Messianic Congregation

Contributed by Cheryl Zehr

We, Glenn and Cheryl Zehr, new to Alaska, are starting a new Messianic congregation in the Matsu Valley.

In 2006, after visiting Israel, we discovered a Messianic congregation near the Bible College where Glenn was a student, and we were blown away by all the wonderful things we learned from Rabbi Jim Appel. When Glenn graduated, and after living for almost a year in Israel, we eventually started our own Messianic Fellowship under Rabbi Jim's leadership in Glenn's hometown area. We continued leading that home congregation for nearly 10 years. Now that we are in Alaska, we feel called to start a Messianic congregation here.

We will be worshiping our savior and Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus' original Hebrew Name), crucified and risen redeemer, the lamb of God who was slain to take away the sin of the world, and we will be learning from his word.

Yeshua is Immanuel, HaShem (Almighty God) himself, come in the flesh who created the nation of Israel through his mighty arm and outstretched hand, and who designed the Jewish society. The Torah is his word; the Jewish culture is his idea; and he lived it perfectly and obediently when he walked this earth. If we deny Yeshua Jewishness, we do not fully know him. He is our living master, dwelling within us as the Ruakh HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), teaching us the intent and full application of Torah. His Sermon on the Mount was the beginning of that.

Learning about the biblical Torah is one way to get to know our Messiah better. Living it helps us to understand him and his word even more. His word is life and life-changing power. He is the word that was in the beginning with God and he was God. He is the very word that brought the world into existence, that spoke the Torah from the holy mountain, and spoke the rest of scripture through the prophets and apostles. His words healed the sick and raised the dead. Through his word today, he is raising us up to new life in him.

No one else's words can be equal to Yeshua's words. He said, “Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matt. 24:35). The same cannot be said about any Sage or Rabbi or Pastor or any believer's words, unless they are quoting Scripture.


That is the Yeshua we worship, taking his yoke upon us and learning from him, obeying his commandments because we love him and want to serve him as our master and LORD.

We will hold our services on Shabbat (Saturday) afternoons from 4 pm to 7 pm or so. We will open with shofar blowing (bring yours if you have one), the men's Tallit blessing (if you have one, bring it), and the Shema. We will have a worship time, singing both English and Hebrew songs. Eventually, as we grow and learn, we will include Davidic dancing. We will break for refreshments, which everyone will bring to share. (Kosher only, please.) Then we will do the blessing over the Torah and Brit Hadashah (New Covenant/Testament) and Pastor Glenn will give a teaching/sermon, which will be followed by a time of discussion and intercessory prayer. On occasion, we hope to close with the Havdalah ceremony. Otherwise, we will let you do that at home.

There will be no childcare in the beginning until the Lord provides staff to care for babies and toddlers. We welcome children. We like to include children in our services. Whenever there are children present, we will have a story/lesson and a couple songs for them during the service. Yeshua said, “Let the little children come to me and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 19:14).” It is good for us all to witness childlike faith.

Eventually, we may add an earlier Liturgy service a half hour or so before the regular service.

On Tuesday nights, starting on March 5, from 6:00-7:30 pm, we will have a special ongoing class, introducing Messianic Judaism from Scripture, using Rabbi Jim Appel's book. Then from 7:30 to 9:00 pm, we will study the Torah Parashah, Haftorah, and Brit Hadasha readings.

Eventually, we will have a Hebrew class on Thursday nights, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ($10 per person), and possibly also a Bible study class on Monday nights, teaching the basics of the Gospel.

Everyone is welcome to come worship and learn with us! We meet at the Journey Church (3060 N. Lazy Eight Ct, in the Crossroads Shopping Plaza, behind Little Millers coffee shop), from 4 pm to 7 pm or so on Saturdays. See more on our Facebook page: Facebook.com/MatsuValleyMessianicCongregation/. Email: matsuvalleymessianic@gmail.com