Zumba in the Park is Back

Contributed by Lhing McNeal, Kabayan Inc. Filipino-American Community of Matsu

Zumba in the Park Mat-Su - promoting a healthy lifestyle through dance.

And here we go! Zumba is back and it's FREE!

Finally, we can enjoy the outdoors again!

Come join the part fitness but mostly fun Zumba and enjoy dancing to the international rhythm of meringue, salsa, cha cha and other pop music.

Our Zumba class is suitable for all ages and abilities and all participants must sign a liability waiver before joining a class (only sign up once), kids are also welcome to join but all minors must be accompanied by an adult. The class varies from low to medium-impact movement to help loosen up those joints and it’s always a good thing when we break a sweat. We will provide bottled water for you to stay cool and hydrated during this fun workout. 

Every time you attend a class, you will earn a ticket, and at the end of the season on August 28, 2021, we will have a raffle drawing and you can get a chance to win a 3-month Gold Family Membership, a $500 value sponsored by The Alaska Club and other prizes. Prizes will be void if you did not sign a liability waiver. Check our Facebook event, “Zumba in the Park Mat-Su”, for more updates.

Find our liability waiver at our Kabayan website at www.kabayaninc.com under the program menu Health & Wellness or through this link: https://form.jotform.com/211362304846047.

Have a happy summer and we will see you at the park.