Visions for Alaska  

Contributed by Huhnkie Lee

Greetings friends, this is Huhnkie Lee, running for 2022 US Senate as an independent Alaskan. As a practicing Christian, I’m notoriously friendly to other candidates. So, I strongly encourage them to implement the plans outlined here if they get elected instead of me. //:-)

Earlier this year, I wrote a white paper about Pebble Mine, which you can download freely at . Basically, the idea is this... Go ahead and mine the gold, copper, molybdenum in Pebble, make 500 billion dollars there, and save Alaskan lives.

Pebble Site, besides minerals, has an amazing tourism opportunity. The biggest lake in Alaska, Iliamna Lake is there. Kodiak Island and Katmai National Park and Bristol Bay are around Pebble Site as well. Aleutian Chains is there as well. So, if we mine Pebble, make $500 billion dollars, and build a highway from Mat-Su to Pebble Site, then people can travel there by cars. People around Pebble site will find tourism gold, as well as mined gold. Imagine people sailing, hopping from one to another island along Aleutian Chain, all the way to Attu Island, to visit and learn about World War 2 history there.

Now, yet another humongous opportunity is a new trade route between Alaska and Russia/Asia along the Aleutian Chain. How wonderful a shipping industry would it be, if the cargo ships simply sail along the Aleutian Chain Islands, staying over some hotels in some Aleutian Islands along the way? We’ll need initial investment money to make this trade/tourism industry and Pebble money can provide that.

Of course, Alaska has more to offer than Pebble potential. We got Arctic National Wildlife Refuge too. Another $500 billion dollar there with oil and gas. If I become US senator next year, I shall work with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and yes, I will work with both Democrats and Republicans and make ANWR oil/gas development happen. How? I’ll convince them that ANWR development won’t hurt the environment and polar bears, just like I’ll persuade them Pebble won’t hurt a single salmon.

My dear fellow Alaskans and Americans, let us be realistic. Fifty percent of Americans will always be Liberal/Democrats, 50% of Americans will always be Conservative/Republicans. That will never change, and no one can ever change that. To make something happen, to pass a bill in Congress, you have to work with both Democrats and Republicans. What we should focus on is common goal: to save Americans’ lives by making money and by creating jobs.

Once we build Pebble Mine and ANWR oil/gas, we’ll be left with one trillion dollars. We can invest some of that for social programs to rehabilitate drug addicts, criminals and homeless people in Alaska. All we need to teach them is how to work, how to study, and how to have fun without breaking the law. We, law-abiding and hard-working citizens, learned how to live good from our parents, but not everyone was blessed with good parents like us. So, once we make one trillion dollars from Pebble/ANWR, we will help out people who are less well-to-do.

Another vision for Alaska is farming of Alaska’s wild plants and wild animals. Russians learned how to tame and farm moose, as you can see in the following documentary for free: .

I think we can farm any wild animals, including tigers, elephants, lions, leopards, etc. What if they refuse to breed in captivity? No problem. We got amazing reproductive technologies available these days, including artificial insemination. We will get them pregnant, snatch their babies, and sell them. Sounds too harsh? Well, my dear fellow Alaskans and Americans, where do you think your puppies and kittens come from? Does a stork come fly, carrying those baby cats and canines to deliver to your doorstep? No. Baby snatching and baby selling of animals are the reality of animal farming that has been done everywhere in human history for tens of thousands of years.

Animal rights activists? We will convince them to. How? Like this: Farmed animals never go extinct. Let’s say, we farm polar bears. We can rent out baby polar bears as pets and take them back after they grow too big. Let’s say polar bears live for 15 years on average. In their 13th birthday, we shall harvest polar bears and sell their furs. We can make serious money here. And, we shall release about 5% of farmed polar bears, back to their natural habitat. What if the climate changes and the polar bears start to starve? Again, no problem. We’ll feed them. With ANWR oil/gas money, we can build a highway from Fairbanks all the way to ANWR. We can have a fully-fenced polar bear safari, which will also serve as a feeding zoo. Polar bear cubs can be petted as well as fed by human patrons in that polar bear zoo. It will be safely operated. People will feed polar bears by dropping the food they came with, through a funnel or conduit built-in through the fence.

As you can see, the possibility in Alaska is endless. So, vote for me next year. Thank you //:-D