The Spider That I Didn’t kill

Contributed by Caitlin M.S. Buxbaum

The spider that I didn’t kill

came skittering after me —

wary, I watched it cross the sill

wondering why I let it be.

My husband isn’t Buddhist

but he tells me not to smite them —

those bugs, the universe will miss,

he says, though I don’t quite believe him.

So here the speeding spider stays

creeping around in the dark:

it lurks in bookshelves, doorways,

corners, waiting for its mark.

O why did I let you live

to terrorize me so?

Why, such mercy, did I give

to you, my undeserving foe?

Who knows now where you lie

to frighten and dismay,

but if I spy you with my eye

you just might die today.