Contributed by Stuart Thompson
Josh Fryfogle’s “Treason” article two months ago was very good. The following article carries its theme further. It will take some courage to read on.
Three human ethics factors underlie the political depravity that Mr. Fryfogle so ably described: 1) Increasing commission and public acceptance of “bearing false witness”---violation of one of the biblical 10 Commandments; 2) increasing commission of betrayal after trust (also known as failing to keep one’s word) by politicians, government officials, and citizens alike; and 3) increasing citizen avoidance of informed civic participation.
Bearing false witness is not just lying, but is also telling half-truths. Artfully telling half-truths or lying to influence what people think is horribly the most rewarded skill in our society today. Politicians and the government do it, and justify doing so by asserting that they “know best” what is good for everybody. The Media does it because journalists are trained that their purpose is “to shape public opinion”. Educators and scientists do it because their job-security or their own prejudices are often more important than honest portrayal of practical truth. Citizens do it all too often because lying and telling half-truths appear less painful than being courageously truthful.
Betrayal after trust in the realm of politics and government actually encompasses a virtue history has called honor. Now perfect trustworthiness is unattainable by human beings. But what is attainable is the essence of honor: always striving to be worthy of trust and doing one’s best to openly repair the consequences of any lapses.
Citizen avoidance of informed civic participation IS the enabler of political corruption!
A) Example: thinking that voting for “the lessor of two evils” every election is all that citizenship means.
1) After several election cycles of doing this---instead of voting one’s conscience----naturally results in a group of “ethically challenged” officials. So citizens have directly enabled modern corruption by their own civic irresponsibility!
2) Half the kings and emperors in human history were elected. Furthermore, those condoning hereditary kingship and nobility were merely embracing the source of all racism---that human beings are soul-less animals to be bred and managed by their “betters”. That there aren’t any elite human beings---no matter how intelligent they are--- is the reason all forms of democracy and representative government even developed … or needed to be!
B) Another example: out of grotesque ignorance or miseducation, it is a commonly held belief that lobbyists are a necessary part of representative government. This is instead of organized briefing of constituents on issues, and harvesting their input for representation. But wait! Lobbyists are ALWAYS engaged by special interests! This was even so in the age of kings and nobles---including lobbyist use of propaganda, bribes, blackmail, and character assassination. Having no dictionaries, US Founders used the Latin derivation of the word “represent”: do or show again. To them, it was the aggregate of what constituents had in mind on common issues that was to be represented---not the wants and opinions of those who had “the ear of power”. The corruption of lobbyist-influenced government IS what is attacked in the US Declaration of Independence! So out of 1) a propagandized dictionary definition of “represent”: be an official or agent in behalf of, and 2) a pathetic ignorance of how to lead people so constituent minds can be represented, we have lost the safeguards that people-based government brings. This cliché applies: “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.
I shall address remedies arising from these observations next month in Part II.
Stuart Thompson
PO Box 870702
Wasilla AK 99687