Contributed by Cindy Jackson
Last month I spoke with Janet Krsnak, who is a member of Club 50 and the Go4life exercise group. We talked about her experience in Club 50 and WASI. Janet has a remarkable recovery story and her determination, Club 50, WASI staff, and seniors played a big role. Here is what she had to say:
“I had been fighting three types of cancer for 14 years and eight of those I was disabled, due to the medications and treatment. I was in remission when I started Strong Seniors in 2011. About that same time, I had open heart surgery. After Physical Therapy, I faithfully attended WASI’s Club 50 to restore my heart health. I started out on the treadmill, just short sessions, nothing long or showy. Many heart patients in recovery can do the same thing.”
“In the meantime, I was a regular at Strong Seniors. They became my support group. I also started a new program called Zumba Gold. I loved the new programs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a star athlete, I’m a senior. The latest class, Go4Life, I was hoping would be easy-peasy, but I was wrong! Some of the exercises are suspiciously like strong seniors but times 10 - hitting new anatomy parts I didn’t know I had!”
I asked Janet what she would say to people who choose not to exercise, she said:
“Sitting back in a rocking chair at any age; what a waste of manpower and abilities. Once you are down, it’s hard to get back up, especially if you lose mobility. Loss of mobility is the worst thing that can happen to seniors. You lose your independence and have to rely on caregivers. I understand the fear of making your problem worse but if you strengthen the area around it then it will get better. The bottom line is that it is worth the time and effort to participate!”
Janet, what would you say to motivate people who say it is too late to exercise?
“The past is dead and gone. The future is “iffy”. All you really have is now. Make use of now, right now!”
Janet, any final words?
“It’s a tremendous investment that the community has made to provide the WASI facility and it is a big asset. WASI and the healthy aging programs are a tremendous support for seniors whether you are well, in recovery or whatever the reason.”
It was a great joy for me to sit down with Janet and hear her story and thoughts of how she overcame illness with exercise. She is an inspiration to me! It amazes me, the difference exercising can make in our lives… physically, mentally and emotionally.
If you are on the fence about exercising, then I encourage you to talk with a senior who exercises on a regular basis.