Contributed by Barbara Andersen
It’s a natural reaction to survive. Every one of us are born with this sense and value our lives. We run and hide to get away from things that will harm us. We weren’t even taught this, it comes automatically from within. When we see others being harmed, we step in to help them. As mothers and fathers, we guard and protect our children with our own lives for their safety. As we grow, it is no question that, across the board, EVERYBODY knows it is wrong to harm another individual. It is a natural thing to have these convictions.
Thus, we have a conscience. A conscience which innately knows right and wrong. Have you ever wondered from where it is that our moral code is derived? How can it be, if we are simply atoms clumped together into cells as the result of a big bang, a chaotic unordered event, possess any type of orderly systematic thought process to understand “right and wrong”? Honestly asked and humbly concluded, we are not products of a big bang.
To the contrary, we were given life by our creator who is master of the universe. The omniscient and majestic God almighty. He has a purpose, he has laws and commandments which he has told us in his Word that we must obey in order to live and worship him. He created us with purpose, ON PURPOSE. He is the author of life. He makes no mistakes.
How can it be that we write laws against God’s holy order of things? Subsequently, our own Constitution states that we have been endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. If you are a person who loves your liberty and freedom, you must acknowledge God as the origin of those rights. And forget not, which one of these is listed first... LIFE. Without life, there is no liberty nor pursuit of happiness.
Regrettably, we, as an American culture, have embraced the brutality of abortion, as a “constitutional right”. Interesting how far we have come, from acknowledging LIFE as a primary gift, given by our creator, to allowing MURDER of humans in the womb, the place of God’s order in which we are to pass in ORDER to become the people we are today.
Yes, we all acknowledge that we value our lives and would not allow any harm to come to us or our children. We want to survive. We are born with this, because it is God’s order.
Why then, do legislators write bills to allow the murder of innocent children at certain times, under certain conditions, when they have reached a certain length of life, when someone can detect their heartbeat, whether their father is a violent criminal, or their mother selfishly wants them murdered and removed? More significant than what the legislators do, is the fact that many of us put them into those positions and condone their actions. It is unnatural to allow these convictions. Inequity is iniquity, and we are responsible if we allow them to write such decrees. We must repent. We must show our repentance by our actions.
Murder is not a right. Stand up, speak out, take the blinders off of your eyes, open your ears to hear the truth. REPENT for allowing such insanity and lawlessness. The time for justice is always NOW!
Let us abolish the practice of abortion, deeming it what it truly is, murder. Murder is already against the law, yet for some reason, abortion is not in that definable category in Alaska.
Abolitionism, not pro-life rhetoric, is what will end the lawlessness.
Urge legislators to take action and Support HB250, The Alaska Life at Conception Act. They all know about it, yet they ignore It because they do not fear God. If LIFE is truly important to them, they would waste no time seeking justice for the innocent.
Remember that defending ourselves against murder is a natural reaction, when violence
comes our way. Abortion is violence to the unborn and they cannot be heard as they scream within their God given home, the womb.
You have a voice, use it for them. Call, email or meet with your representative/senator and urge their support of HB250, The Alaska Life at Conception Act. If they tell you that they are pro-life, that is not good enough. Pro-life legislators merely support prolonging the process and never want to truly end abortion. They will continue to tell you that it takes time and must be funded because it is complicated. This is untrue. If they have the power to write bills incrementalizing murder, they can use that same power of the pen to put an end to abortion now.
Unborn children deserve their life to continue, which requires protection from all of us. We all began our lives in a womb. It is God’s perfect order for growth and development.
Remember, five Alaskan babies are being sacrificed every day. The count continues while pro-life legislators ignore them.
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