Contributed by Laurie Kari
Second Annual Comfort Food Competition
02/08/19 – 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Family Promise Mat-Su
Church on the Rock
3571 W Machen Rd. Wasilla
Tickets are $20
(907) 357-6160
The Second Annual Comfort Food Competition for Family Promise Mat-Su (FPMS) is coming up on February 8th at 6:00 PM at Church on the Rock, Wasilla Campus. All are welcome to join with us as we grow in our capacity to shelter homeless families, and to serve our Mat-Su community members in dire need. It is important that you all try to come enjoy our comfort food dishes, fantastic local music talents, and live dessert auction. We need you all!
Laurie Kari, FPMS Executive Director, will offer a few updates on our recent families’ stories and program news! You will enjoy taste-testing and voting on each congregation’s favorite comfort food dish. Our musical guests will be entertaining with high caliber talents and you will be moved! And you can go home with fantastic desserts for your friends and families after the lively bidding by our auctioneer, Pastor Duane Guisinger! But we will especially enjoy giving thanks to all the help, supports and good will of so very many of our Mat-Su Valley partners and volunteers! We are truly “A Community Response for Families Without Housing”!
Valley Comfort Food Fundraiser of 2018 was a stunningly beautiful event. Pam Ratliff, our FPMS Office Manager coordinates every aspect of these gatherings and we think the evening will be special and joyful once again this year. We need your financial support for our shelter guests’ services, and tickets are on sale now for $20. They are available for purchase by contacting our office at 357-6160, stopping by to see us at 561 W. Nelson Ave, or by message request on Facebook-Family Promise Mat-Su-and/or receive by mail with credit card purchase. Tickets will also be for sale at the door.
Our family shelter has been lodging, feeding and offering case management and fellowship to homeless families for 13 years! We were the first homeless shelter in the Valley. Our 10 area churches donate overnight sanctuary, bedrooms, three meals a day and volunteer hospitality. (We need new hosting congregations and community groups.) FPMS is also blessed to offer our family pet boarding facility onsite so families can keep their furry family members with them while they are without housing. Then, after an average of 2 months or less, our families are strong enough to sustain their own housing!
We give thanks in advance for those who can attend and enjoy our FPMS Comfort Food event this year.
Place it on your Calendar!
February 8th, 6-9 PM, at Church on the Rock, Wasilla (3571 W Machen Rd., Wasilla, AK 99654). Call (907) 357-6160 for further information and to sign up for the Comfort Food Competition! Let us enjoy!