As You Go Away
Contributed by Marna Paron
Oh! I'm trying to love you,
But I've got my pride.
'Cause one time you didn't care,
How I felt inside.
I've gotten over the bad times,
It's time for the good.
Soon I'll look for a lover,
That can love like he should.
I'll mean to him,
What he'll mean to me.
We'll do things together,
We'll both be happy.
So do me a favor,
And stay where you are.
I'm trying to love again,
In spite of the scar.
Oh someday I hope,
You can find someone too.
To hold you, to love you,
To do you, and undo you!
One Planet
Contributed by Randi Perlman
Our planet is changing in so many ways.
It’s warmer, it’s wetter, it’s not just a phase.
The grass is confused, it’s green and it’s growing.
Rivers and streams are ice-free and flowing.
This wouldn’t be odd, but you need to remember
We’re not still in summer, it’s now past December!
It takes just a little to help a real lot,
Just small steps from many and a little deep thought.
Like turning the lights off when they’re not in use
And recycling as much as we can of our refuse.
Try plugging your car in at twenty degrees.
You can turn off the water when brushing your teeth.
We can take little steps and make a real difference,
We can show others how with education and patience.
We share the same planet and I know we all care
‘Bout the water, the air and the ground.
If we all walk the walk and teach the good talk
Together, we are turning it around!
The Game
Contributed by Nan Potts
Life's perpetual intention;
To beget, exist and die,
If viewed upon with boldest heart,
Asks the ceaseless query, "Why?"
The craving for enlightenment
Strewn with conflicts rued or blessed?
A test upon the spirit's will,
One of Nature's feral jest?
Living, an examination,
Observes our inherent thrust;
Mere taciturn or emotive,
With indifference or lust.
With each new year we set our sights
On goals which we desire.
And, strive to move them forward
Thus, to these we do aspire.
Such is the game with Life we romp,
To triumph or to founder.
Our attitude's fateful response,
The universal sounder.
What we put forth, what we decide,
'Tis of our conscience being.
Accept or shun the consequence,
Portrays our innate gleaning.
What sort of game will you engage,
A light, accepting rounder?
Or perhaps one more decadent,
To which may prove a bounder?
Time's pendulum sways to and fro
With deep vales and pitches prime.
What choices will you implement
To compete and win sublime?