Contributed by Robert Lyons
Some flew the coop, blew the nest, showed their best side as they tried to stand… It got out of hand. Sad really, but what is expected? Life’s been hectic, a lot of anger crept in, septic thinking.
Turn your back from sinking in a quagmire. It's time to look at mama and go get hired. Screw this hobbit in the shire business, who is listening? I'm pissing in the wind.
Or is it just beginning? I’m leaning to new beginnings, thinning the lines. We have seen in time the scene is grimed; the screen needs cleaned. We were gonna scam the system for two weeks to flatten the curve.
Now we've been taken to the curb, lives lost because of systemic stupidity. Let's rid the cities and towns of these clowns whose houses shine like castles as we get blasted and called out.
Sometimes we gotta shout, but remember the doubt when old men got took out. What was it March? When the fists beat geriatric and the Target store got blasted for 50-inch screens.
Fantastic… Meanwhile Moms n Pops got food stamps and elastic masks, so they gasped in fear as the last 30 years of reality turned to tears.
It’s okay though, because failure just means slow. There isn't a winner I know who didn’t get up from below.
Now the whole world knows what's going on and it isn't long that the next chapter will be written, never look with misgivings. I read about Grant as a lad and I thought how proud I was of my dad, fighting for freedom like many big men had.
I know this, “We the People” have faced much in the past, history never lasts. It just keeps going to the next task. Ben Franklin knew the risk we had taken when he said swinging is what they might be facing. Washington knew two parties would do exactly this to our nation, and with enormous patience the General tried to warn.
Torn our nation has been before, even withered by bloody war. It doesn't have to be you know? Work the pyramid how it was meant to be… What does Washington DC know about me?
Upside down they turned it on us, things teetering on a single name? Really insane to not start at home, local politics to create a foundation of true representation to send to the nation. People should know the school boards names, their council members should be the same, instead of the politics of fame.
Put energies into creating the system, it’s yours you know, your GOP and Democrat parties. I hardly see the fighting between us, like the TV shows our so-called leaders as they deceive and steal liberty.