Introducing AK Valley Rocks…

Contributed by Lauri B


I would like to spread some information to our local Valley residents and eventually state residents…

There is an activity in our community where groups of people paint on rocks. We are a large group of individuals, ranging from artists to novices. We paint pictures or uplifting phrases on our rocks. Then we go into community and hide or place these messengers of positivity for others to find.

Our only goal is to spread love of self and community by sharing our cheerful, sometimes playful, yet sincere messages. We ask that the finders simply take a picture of the rock, go to Facebook, put in the name of group written on the back, and simply say, maybe where you found rock and whether you are going to keep it or leave it where it was, or take it and rehide it somewhere else. Our group is AK Valley Rocks, but there are many.

We make these little gems, kind of like children. We make them with love and send them out into the world. We just like to know where their journeys lead them. There are groups like this all over the world. So, tourists and visitors, as well as locals, find and move our gifts of love and friendship. Some have traveled to other states and some to other countries.

So next time, or when you see a colorful rock, we encourage you to pick it up and share in the love. Some may even find themselves doodling on rocks and setting them out to be refound.

Share the love and... rock on!

Lauri B