Contributed by Dana Maywaux
Primrose Retirement Community (889 N. Elkhorn Dr. Wasilla) invites you to our 3rd annual Healthy Living Fair as we welcome local health-related vendors into our building. The Healthy Living Fair will be held here at Primrose Retirement Community on Friday, February 21st from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. This event is no charge, open to the public, and a great way to explore some local companies with the convenance of once localized indoor location. Healthy living is more to us here at Primrose Retirment Community then just physical health, it also includes our social, mental, intelectual, spiratual heath and wellbeing.
Our vendors will be a variety of buisness that represnet different aspects of healthy living including, home health, physical therapy, activites centers, financial planing, spine heath, holsitic alternatives, sleep care, local resource groups and much more! These Vendors will have topics to present on, materials to pass out, games or falles to participate in, and even some goodies to hand out.
Primrose Retirment Community will have a drawing for a Healthy Living basket valued at over $50.00 in our Gardenside café, each visitor will get one entry! We will aslo be hosting a heart healthy happy hour in our Pub at 2:30pm complete with red wine, cheese and fruit.
Please join us Friday, February 21st from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm as we end American Heart Month on a posative note looking into a happy healthy future for all Alaskans! For more information please feel free to call 907-373-5500.