Contributed by Jaida Gough
Boom Town Roller Derby welcomes Coach CobraShark to the team for season 8 as head coach! Cobra brings 8 years of Roller Derby experience to Boom Town. Six of the 8 years were spent skating for various men's leagues, both jamming and blocking.
He started skating for the Cowtown Butchers in Kansas City, eventually moving to Omaha, and ending his skating career with Your Mom Men's Derby in Des Moines.
Cobra learned Boom Town was looking for a coach, and after a few months of consideration, he contacted the team and asked to come out for a practice to see if it would be a good fit. Cobra fell right into place with the team, and after a 30-day trial period, the team voted him in as head coach. Boom Town's first game with Cobra as coach was January 12, against the Ragnarok Rollers.
It was a victory for both Cobra Shark and Boom Town, making both undefeated this season. Cobra anticipates more wins from Boomies this season and had as much fun coaching as he did playing competitively.
Boom Town has a few more home games coming up, and will end their season at a tournament in California, with Coach CobraShark.
Boom Town is always looking for men or women as skaters, non-skating officials or volunteers. Please contact Boom Town Roller Derby via Facebook or email at for more information!