Financial Action: #ImSavingForSweepstakes

Contributed by Julie Cascio, UAF Cooperative Extension Service

America Saves Week is about more than helping Americans understand the importance of saving – it’s about getting us to save automatically.

Savers with a plan are more than twice as likely to make progress towards their savings goals as those without a plan. That’s why the America Saves Pledge was set up. When someone takes the Pledge on the person identifies a savings goal (such as a rainy day fund or retirement), an amount to save per month, and the number of months they will save that amount. In other words, they make a basic savings plan.

But sometimes it takes more than a nudge to create that plan. That’s why America Saves offers an incentive: the annual #ImSavingForSweepstakes. Savers who create a savings plan and share their goal or savings story on social media have a chance to win up to $750.

How does it work? Simple. For a chance to win $500, savers just need to take the America Saves Pledge. They can boost their potential prize by $250 by sharing their goal, personal story, or favorite savings tip on social media with the hashtag #ImSavingForSweepstakes.

To enter to win $500:

- Take the America Saves Pledge, tell America Saves what you’re saving for, and make a simple savings plan to reach your goal.

To win $750:

- Take the America Saves Pledge, tell America Saves what you’re saving for, and make a simple savings plan to reach your goal; AND,

- Share your tip, story, video or photo featuring your savings goal. Also answer at least one of these questions: What are you saving for? What is your savings story and how can it help other people? What is your favorite savings tip or trick? Then Post it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with the hashtag #ImSavingForSweepstakes.

If you take this step, get creative! Keep it simple, by taking a video or picture in front of the item you’re saving for – like a new car or house.

Use a video or photo editing tool to put yourself in the frame with your goal – like a trip to the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore.

Use an app to add a caption or some character to your submission.

No Purchase Necessary. Sweepstakes starts 2/20/19 and ends 4/30/19. See Official Rules.