Calling All Storytellers

Contributed by Patricia Chesbro

Our lives are stories, waiting to be told. That is why the Palmer Museum of History and Art (PMHA) sponsors Untold Stories. Similar to Anchorage’s Arctic Entries or The Moth, our episodes feature local storytellers in a cozy setting. In January, our narrators took us on a chilly dogsled ride, helped us to feel the ’64 earthquake on Anchorage Fourth Avenue, and shared vignettes of life in Cordova through a child’s eyes. Throughout the nine episodes, audiences have laughed, cried, and marveled at the exploits and coincidences of our neighbors’ lives.

PMHA is looking for storytellers for its April 7, 2019, episode, “All Shook Up.” Though perhaps inspired by our November 30 shaker, there are many ways we can be “shook up.” Perhaps dancing to the Elvis song or perhaps in an unexpected turn of events or perhaps on a scary airplane ride, most of us have been shook up from time to time. Those stories are begging to be told. And Untold Stories is the place to tell them.

We know it may be scary to tell a story in front of an audience. However, we have scheduled in two coaching sessions to help narrators get comfortable with their performances. Then, on April 7, the Palmer Depot will host the event from 6-8 PM.

Thalia said, “Everybody has their own story; everybody has their own journey.” Consider sharing part of your journey in the next episode of Untold Stories. Submit your story outline to by March 8, to be considered for this episode’s roster. Coaching sessions are required, and are held on March 27 and April 3 at the Museum.