$500 For One Song!

Contributed by Michael Consalo

As a musician, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spent several hours, hauling equipment, setting up microphones, practicing, and dialing in sound for a 4-hour gig. These gigs are fun, but long, and require equipment, which costs money. These gigs are already hard to pull off, so when the pay comes, it always seems tough to split 4 or 5 ways… What if there were an opportunity to get double the money in half the time?

Well now there is…

At the end of April, Make A Scene Magazine and Michael C Marketing are teaming up again for the “Who Let the Girls Out Talent Show”. This event gives performers the opportunity to win $500 for one song! Second takes home $300 and third place still gets $200 in cash for one song! This is the opportunity of the year, for those of you with musical skill!

We’re looking for 10 performers, with various talents, to fill our roster. The talent show will be held during one of the busiest events in downtown Palmer during Who Let the Girls Out at the Valley Hotel Caboose Lounge. Interested performers should call Michael C today at (907) 203 0621. Forget the hours and hours of travel and packing for a long gig and show us what you’ve got!

Sign up today for the Who Let the Girls Out Talent Show!