Somebody Else Can Do It

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Contributed by Jessica Wright

First of all, I want to “thank” Governor Walker for waking me up. In the last five to ten years, I was fully aware of what Obama and Hillary did to our country. For a year, I’ve been praying that Hillary wouldn’t win. Thankfully, Trump won. I remember on the election night, my family stayed up late, holding our breath and nervously waiting for the result. After they announced who’s the new president, my son told me, “Mom, let’s do a victory dance.” I remember that we were so happy and so relieved. I also remember that I was feeling a little bit of sadness during our celebration, thinking we still have Bill Walker to deal with.

The last two years have been really difficult. The state legislature held the longest records in session - 4 sessions because Walker wanted special session after special session to get the result he wanted. He even went to state legislature to watch them vote, just to intimidate them. Now the Senates and House mostly agree with him. There’s no stopping for Walker. Besides taking the PFD from Alaskans three years in a row, he proposed a state-funded natural gas pipeline project with China, which could cost the entire PFD.

Speaking of PFD, Walker also appointed numerous members on the board, all but the director will soon retire. So what would happen to our PFD? With the newly passed bill, the senates plan to use POMV formula to gradually use up our PFD. And with Governor Walker’s controlled PFD Board, our PFD will probably invest on the natural gas pipeline. What’s left for Alaska? It’s scary to think about it.

I remember after we moved here to Alaska in November 2009, our friends told us a disappointing election result that Lisa Murkowski beat Joe Miller. At that time, I didn’t know who they were talking about, but I remember asking them why they were worried, if the state of Alaska is a conservative state? They told us, “Yes, the majority of Alaskans are conservative; but because of our oil money, it might attract the bad guys.” Now we all know who they are - it’s Walker and all the RINOs.

Unfortunately they are now controlling our state. Do we know their conspiracy? Probably not. Do we confer the power to them? Probably yes. We are allowing it to happen by neglecting our civil duty. Most people don’t even vote in the Primary. In 2016, the voting rate in the Primary was 9-10 percent. Some show up and don’t know who the candidates are. This is how the RINOs got into power.

When we are not involved in politics, we lose out to other special interest politicians. Good candidates need to run at all levels of government to filter out the bad actors. We need to flush the far left ideas and take back our state government from the liberals like Representative Gabriel Ledux, a RINO Republican who keeps voting like a Democrat. Now we are paying the price and it’s a huge price to pay. 

So Alaskans, if we don’t change our attitude and our voting behavior, we are going to end up losing our money, our rights and our resources. Soon our state will be controlled by not just liberals, but the foreigners. It’s not somebody else’s job to govern our state. It’s OUR JOB!