Piano Studio Holds Monthly Open House Featuring Music Library

Contributed by Sally Hitchcock

One of the oldest piano studios currently active in the area has begun to give back to the community some of the gifts of piano music received over the nearly forty years of its existence. Friendships created with other teachers when actively working together in professional organizations began the accumulation. 

As they retired, left or just switched careers, the boxes began to show up. For some years, Sally Hitchcock, of Hitchcock Piano Studio in Palmer, was a small branch of the best music bookstore on the west coast - Keyboard Cache, and began weekly filling orders from the Anchorage store. Of course, she probably bought more books than truly needed.

The latest students have been given books to either begin lessons, or work to catch up with concepts and abilities learned years ago. Mrs. Hitchcock has discovered that gifted books, as well as her own good-sized library can save costs to new students. One adult has made tremendous progress in a book that had sat unused for many years. A few Christmas books have left the Studio as open houses aimed at clearing off closet shelves were held over the latest holiday period. 

Mrs. Hitchcock plans on beginning the monthly events in February, to include performances as well as free searches through antique and good used music books and sheet music. Save third Monday evenings at 5PM to 7PM for the rest of 2017.  People with pianos or keyboards who wish to see them used are very welcome.