Contributed by Felicia Desimini
Show Dates: January 25 - March 12, 2021
Deadline for Submissions: January 9, 2021
The MatSu College Art Department welcomes digital submissions for an Art/Word opportunity. Art/Word is based on artwork that incorporates visual art and literary art. Your art must contain text. Some artists choose to incorporate their own poetry or narrative alongside their visual art, as well. The theme of 2021’s Art/Word show is “Grace in the Time of A Pandemic.”
Eligibility: The show is open to all community members including students and faculty at MatSu College. All entries must represent original works of art or design, and must not have been exhibited previously.
Media: Open to all traditional and non-traditional genre and media, including but not limited to: drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, installation, video, etc.
Delivery and Return of Work: All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive via e-mail. Works that do not exhibit good craftsmanship will not be exhibited.
Entry Fee: N/A
Insurance: N/A
Sale of Work: All work, unless indicated as not for sale (NFS), will be available for sale during exhibit. MatSu College will not retain a commission.
Images: In an effort to conserve resources, the MatSu College Art Department accepts only digital images and entry forms for consideration. (See details below.) The Gallery will retain the submitted images of accepted artwork and reserves the right to use the images in publications and gallery publicity.
Image Format: Digital image of artwork must be sent via E-MAIL (email: The image must meet the following specifications: File names = artist’s last name(underscore) first name, image number (i.e. Jones_Mike_1.jpg)
Secondary images, such as details, installation, or alternate view images must include the word ‘detail’ in the file name (i.e. Jones_Mike_1detail.jpg).
Images file should be in HIGH QUALITY JPEG format, image should be no smaller the 1000 pixels in any direction (about 13”) and 72 dpi. Images must be oriented properly (i.e. top of image is top of artwork) and must not include artist’s name, or other descriptive text within the page itself, nor contain borders, frames, or margins except as part of the actual work. Video work should be sent with similar naming conventions in quicktime compatible format.
Please follow these specifications carefully. Feel free to contact Felicia Desimini ( for assistance if you have questions - Art/Word - Grace in the Time of a Pandemic in your subject line.) (The email and online submission process makes our process more efficient and saves postage and materials for the artists.
Information and updates:
Best regards,
Dr. Felicia M. Desimini
Associate Professor of Art
Art Department Coordinator