The Story Of Scott Laney/The 4th Commandment

Contributed by Scott R. Laney Jr.

My name is Scott R. Laney Jr. I use to work on the drilling rigs, making over $100,000 a year, working two weeks on and one week off. On February 6, 2014, I got ready for work. When I was ready, I took a shower, prayed and went to bed. My mother was at work and felt the Holy Spirit telling her to pray for her son. So when she was off work, that's what she did. She prayed that God would forgive her of her sins, and she as well prayed that God would send His Son down to hold and protect me from death. She was unsure if I was ready to meet the Lord. 

I woke up in the morning around 3:30am, and got dressed and went outside to my car. I packed all of my bags in and started my car. I noticed how low I was running on gas, so I started to drive down to the gas station on KGB Road. By the time I reached mile 8.4, I ran out of gas. I could see the gas station, so I called my neighbor, turned on my hazard lights, hopped out of my car and started to walk down towards the gas station. By the time I was seven car lengths ahead of my car, I noticed some headlights coming. 

My neighbor and his girlfriend could both see me, and said I was standing off the road on the other side of the white line waving my arms. The driver was blind in his left eye and swerved around my car over the white line and hit me while going 60 mph. I broke both legs, my left shoulder and fractured my skull, and I started to bleed inside my head. 

I guess I called my girlfriend and my really good friend after I was hit and told them. My neighbor ran up beside me and said my mouth was full of blood, so he tipped me over and just held on to me and talked to me for 23 minutes until the ambulance arrived. I sustained multiple breaks in both legs, my left shoulder and skull, and I left my body for some time. I remember walking on clouds and seeing Heaven’s gates! I was so happy that I thought I was going to go in! Then I was back in my body. I hadn’t seen an ambulance there, but only Jesus Christ! He smiled at me and took me into the ambulance. I remember feeling something weird on my chest, so I looked down and could see Jesus' hand above my chest and a gold crown circulating on my chest! Jesus was healing me and protecting me from death. My mom said that one day while I was in the hospital, I was trying to talk to her but I couldn't speak. Then she went down to the cafeteria and all of a sudden, she felt like whenever I used to act like that, I really wanted to tell her something. So she left right away and came back to my room and said, “What is it, Scotty?” I was trying to talk, then my mom said, “Is it Jesus?” And I shook my head yes. Then I was trying to say something else and my mom said, “Can you still see Jesus?” And I shook my head yes again!

My mother was so sad that she never thought she would become a grandmother again. Until seven days later, my 36 year old sister conceived! And when she was in labor, she had a baby boy. By the time he was 1 years old, he said my name 10 times! I was so excited, that I was telling everyone! Until one day my good Christian friend said that I had probably just mistaken him. That he was probably just looking for some toilet paper. 

Sometime later, my physical therapist said that I could not walk for 3-5 years, and the doctors all said how I could never learn easy again because of my brain injury. But with the power of prayer, I was walking in 11 months and received my GED two years later. And seven months after, I graduated from college! 

My mother one day was wondering when the Sabbath was - the 4th Commandment of the Bible. So she asked me if I knew and I didn't, so we youtubed it. On YouTube, we learned the history of the Sabbath and how the Roman Catholics changed it from Friday and Saturday sundown to sundown to Sunday. God never changes and in the Bible it says, “If ye love Me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)

On September 22, 2016, my dad had been really sick for three months because he got cellulitis from his work. My dad once died in a surgery a long time ago, and told us all when he came back that he seen Jesus. So I asked my dad if Jesus looked the same way to him as He did to me. He said yes, but He was a lot brighter. In the Bible it says, “In the end, we will need no sun, moon or stars. That God will be our light.” And it also says, “In the End Days, there will be many false Christs in the world, so to test the spirits.” One way I learned how you can do this is by asking them, “Who was Jesus God, and did He come to the Earth as a human being and die for our sins to defeat Satan and rise from the dead three days later?” And if they admit it, then they are of God; if not, then it is the Antichrist. (1 John 4:1-3) 

And on July 28, 2016, my dad passed away. 

My mother and I also found out in the Bible, Matthew 5:19:
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

And Genesis 2:2-3:
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

James 2:10:
10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law,, and yet offend it in one point, he is guilty of all. 

If you would like to watch a couple of my videos on YouTube, just look up Scott Laney and Scott Laney 2! Email for many pictures!