From Gambell to Haines, the Rasmuson Foundation Board of Directors made significant investments to improve the quality of life for Alaskans during its biannual meeting this month. The Board awarded $3.8 million in grants to municipalities and nonprofit organizations across the state. The awards, listed below by region, will strengthen communities, celebrate history and help seniors, children and other vulnerable Alaskans build more stable, productive lives.
Bristol Bay
• City of Dillingham will receive $114,500 to make improvements to the Dillingham Senior Citizens Center. The Senior Center accommodates large groups and serves as a community gathering facility.
• North Star Council on Aging will receive $82,000 to remodel the Fairbanks Senior Center to improve the multipurpose room and dining room.
• North Star Dance Foundation will receive $250,000 to assist with the purchase of a building to house the North Star Ballet School and dance education programs.
Bering Strait
• Presbytery of Yukon, Inc. will receive $500,000 to construct Gambell Presbyterian Church and Community Center. Program services include a food bank, elder nutrition and youth services and provide a centrally located emergency response center.
• Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium in Anchorage will receive $100,000 for furniture, fixtures and equipment at its new patient housing facility on the Alaska Native Medical Center Campus.
• Covenant House Alaska will receive $225,000 over three years for the Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential initiative. The grant increases employment and educational opportunities for young people in Anchorage who are transitioning from the child welfare or juvenile justice systems, or are homeless.
• Sitka Historical Society will receive $250,000 to construct exhibit galleries, collections, storage and purchase furnishings at the Sitka History Museum.
• Haines Borough will receive $150,000 to build an addition onto the Senior Center to house the Chilkat Valley Preschool.
• City and Borough of Juneau will receive $125,000 to redevelop the old Treadwell Office building in Douglas Island into a picnic shelter.
• Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation will receive $125,839 for furniture, fixtures and equipment for the Ayagnirvik Healing Center in Bethel. The Center will provide inpatient and outpatient services for alcohol and substance abuse treatment.
• Great Alaska Council, Boy Scouts of America will receive $100,000 for building repairs and equipment.
• Museums Alaska will receive $420,000 to support museum art acquisitions, collections management and program assessment activities.
• The Foraker Group will receive a grant of $550,000 for sustaining support.
• The Alaska Community Foundation will receive $800,000 over three years to continue the Strengthening Organizations small grants program.
About the Foundation
Rasmuson Foundation was created in May 1955 by Jenny Rasmuson to honor her late husband E.A. Rasmuson. The Foundation is a catalyst to promote a better life for all Alaskans.