​Mat-Su Ski Club Presents The 4th Annual Mat-Su Icicle Double

Contributed by Tammy Sipos, Mat-Su Ski Club

Mat-Su Icicle Double
12/31/2016 – 1/1/2017 – 10AM
Mat-Su Ski Club
Government Peak Recreation Area, Palmer
Cost: $40-$60

With the ski season finally upon us, it is time to start setting goals. The Mat-Su Ski Club is offering the perfect motivation to get you through the holidays on your skis. Come out to the Valley and ski among the birch and spruce trees on the scenic, undulating GPRA ski trails. 

The Mat-Su Icicle Double is a two day series with classic style on Saturday, December 31st and freestyle on Sunday, January 1st. There are several distances that you can elect to ski: 5 km, 10 km, 15 km and 30 km. You can change the distance you would like to ski up to 10:30am on the day of the ski.

We want to encourage families to take part. Families and individuals are charged the same fee, so sign up your whole family for the same cost. Participants who finish the 30 km on both days will receive the coveted Icicle Double Beverage Glass. 

Mark your calendars and jump on the website to sign up today. All racers will receive an Icicle Double t-shirt. Visit www.matsuski.org for details and to sign up.