Boeing Boeing

Comedy Directed By DJ Rotach

Boeing Boeing
January 13-29, 2017
Fridays & Saturdays @7PM, Sunday @2PM
Valley Performing Arts, Wasilla
Tickets: $18 Students/Seniors, $20 Adults

This French farce adapted for the English-speaking stage features self-styled Parisian lothario Bernard, who has French, German and American fiancées, each beautiful airline hostesses with frequent "layovers". He keeps "one up, one down and one pending" until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris and Bernard's apartment at the same time. Having to deal with each fiancé one at a time hasn’t been a problem, but how will he handle them all at once? “Awkward” doesn’t even begin to describe the situation that Bernard finds himself in. Laughs galore! 

Boeing Boeing 0pens January 13th and runs through January 29th, 2017. Ticket prices are $18 for students/seniors and $20 for adults. This hilarious farce will be appearing at Valley Performing Arts, 251 W. Swanson Avenue, Wasilla. Dinner Theatre for Boeing Boeing will premiere at Evangelo’s, February 2nd, 3rd or 4th. Tickets are $50/person. 

Call VPA at 373-0195, visit our website, or come by the office, Monday through Friday 9am to 3pm to purchase your tickets.