Untold Stories! A Storytelling Event In Palmer!

Contributed by Betty M Pierce

Untold Stories: "Reunions, Revivals and Redemptions"
9/17/2017 – 6PM
Palmer Museum of History & Art
United Protestant Church
713 S Denali St. Palmer
Tickets: $10 Students, $15 Adults

“His face was disfigured, a bomb attack or a house fire? Dark skinned with glasses that didn’t hide that one of his eyes was really wrong; wrong color (darkish all the way through, no white showing), wrong eye lid and no eye lashes. I was bent on getting my prescription, the Walgreens in a sketchy part of Anchorage is a study in human nature at 9pm on a Saturday night, certainly not where I normally hang out. But that’s another story. So in line, before I got up to this man, the pharmacy tech, it registered that he was severely damaged. How severely I wasn’t really able to take in until I was across the counter from him. His countenance did not match his face, maybe that’s why I felt comfortable with him, and when he asked for my insurance card and ID, I didn’t flinch. His outstretched hand had fingers like an oven mitt, the skin swollen and almost unrecognizable and as I handed him my cards, he smiled at me. He looked like he could be from the Middle East and so in my mind, I had this horrible bomb and/or war story scenario about him, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. His smile and his attitude, despite what he must see in people’s eyes every time he had a new patient, touched me. Many people, when sick already and having to wait for their prescriptions, can be rude and thoughtless. I wondered about the things this man has probably had to put up with. He had issues with talking as well, so I had to really listen to understand him. I think it was because half of his mouth was different. When he was working with me, I was amazed at his attitude. I went into this Walgreens sick and feeling sorry for myself and then here was this man. I looked him full in the face and gave him my best smile, overcoming the urge to look away and he smiled back. Redemption, was what this man had...”

One small sample of what you might hear at the next Untold Stories in Palmer...

Untold Stories is a storytelling event held three times a year in Palmer to support the Palmer Museum of History and Art. The idea was conceived in 2016, borrowing heavily from other popular storytelling shows both near and far. Seven storytellers are chosen and their story must be true, fit the theme and not last longer than seven minutes.

Our next show is September 17, 2017 and the theme is “Revivals, Reunions and Redemptions”. Submissions are being accepted until September 4th. Submit your true story too. 

As befitting the theme, this evening will be held at the United Protestant Church in Palmer. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students with ID. You can buy tickets at the Palmer Museum or BBella Hair Design in Palmer.You may also call the Museum and purchase your tickets over the phone with your credit card at 746-7668.

Reunite: to come together again
Revival: renewed interest in something
Redemption: the process of redeeming. 
Redeem: to make worthwhile, to buy back, to free from captivity by payment/ransom    

-Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary

Untold Stories looking for stories of reunions, revivals and redemptions. Consider submitting at www.palmermuseum.org by September 1st. Share with your community to benefit your community!