“Portraits of Hope”

Contributed by Nancy Angelini Crawford

My goal as an artist is to add peace and beauty to our world but I recently began to ask myself am I making a difference? I love landscapes, seascapes and wildlife and there’s nothing wrong with adding beauty and peace to the world through art but here in my studio full of paintings, I still felt an emptiness. That’s where it started. The project I’m working on is called “Portraits of Hope”. It started months ago before the Corona virus was even a word we were familiar with. I decided to contact Michelle Carney Overstreet who began My House. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a coffee house, boutique and a place to develop healthy relationships for homeless youth in Wasilla. Her project teaches them how to respect and be respected, essentials for holding down a job and that there is hope for, and in, each one of them. I’ve been trying to be involved for years but didn’t find my fit. Finally I reached out to Michelle and asked her about my idea. She loved it and I am so thankful to be a helping part now.

I started my project by sitting with clients one on one. I would listen to their stories, where they came from, where they are now and what they look forward to in their future. Since Covid, I’ve had to change the way I do this. We’ve used Facebook and phone calls and shared photos. I’ve even painted from photos and a phone call to paint a portrait of a young woman in Kodiak. This young lady has experienced more hardship than most do in a lifetime but she was one of the most positive and hopeful people I’ve ever talked to. I want these portraits to be more than skin deep. They all have a story. The beautiful thing is now they can see a positive future; they have hopes and dreams that are attainable. The most common thread was how they all felt like My House changed their life and how Michelle and the staff have become like family. I want them to know that if painted portraits are primarily for the elite, then they belong. My goal is to paint between 15 and 20 portraits of people who have passed through or been connected with My House. When they are completed they’ll be auctioned off. There will be an alternative option for the winning bidder so the model can receive their portrait. “Beauty from Ashes”, Hope Forward, is my centerpiece painting for the show. My plan is to do an auction by the end of summer. A large portion of the proceeds will go to My House.

Be watching for this and give generously in your ability, whether in time or finances to either bid on these portraits or volunteer your gifts for a better tomorrow. I think we can all use a little extra hope today. To see the portraits completed so far visit my website at www.AngeliniStudio.com and…. Keep your eyes open for the date and place!