A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes

Contributed by Larry Wood

June 6th’s protest in Palmer happened on a very beautiful and hot day.  It was an incredible day.  According to what’s been posted in Facebook, about 1,556 people showed up to check out the event or to participate.  I was there to see for myself how things would go.  Interesting group, a few signs unfit for public display, but, then, controversy is the goal, so extremes in the message should not be unexpected. Yes, there were signs that threatened the personal safety of police officers, but, again, a few signs, nothing more.

Everyone was happy how things turned out, but that does not mean that one closes one’s eyes to the ever present danger.  A predator came to town, a predator that has destroyed lives, caused hundreds of millions in property damage across this country, and defaced memorials.  A wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Just because the recent protests have been nice nice doesn’t mean the next time will be the same.  Violence is the standard, peaceful is the exception.  Look to the riots for your proof.

Interestingly enough, Palmer PD stayed pretty well out of sight for the entire affair.  As a result, there were problems with blocking traffic when the herd of protesters decided to go on a walk-about Palmer, because not everyone was in downtown Palmer to attend this event.  A lot of people work on Saturday or were headed elsewhere.  However, as has been put to me by supporters, any inconvenience was not their problem.

D-Day was eclipsed by the death of one man at the hands of police officers in Minnesota and the destruction, death and misery ongoing that has come out of what started as peaceful protests in Minneapolis.  BLM does not deny, criticize or express regret or apologize for the damage, deaths, and injuries across the country. 

National and state war memorials have been vandalized and heavily damaged, even the Lincoln Memorial has been damaged.

The protest in Palmer was focused at the Pavilion where Friday Flings is centered.  

What was noticeable was that this event was considerably larger than any limits on groups imposed by the governor and his Oracle in a Yurt.  Further, in the two plus hours there, I did not see anyone who appeared to be concerned about “social distancing” or maintaining the 6ft separation recommended.  The tightly packed column of bodies that paraded through Palmer and the crowd at the Pavilion were in violation of the governor’s mandates further bringing into question the quarantine, travel restrictions, and business shutdown. 

So, the next time Dr. Zink, the governor’s Oracle in her Yurt, Commissioner Adam Crum, or a ‘Karen’ tells you to mask up, or to observe ‘social distancing’, tell them you have an exception courtesy of BLM.

I am certain that the video and photos of the event and of the movement of the herd of protesters bunched very closely together must have given Governor Dunleavy’s Dr. Anne Zink, his Oracle in her Yurt, apoplectic fits.

Hey, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, screw the COVID mandates, because 1,556 people did exactly that on Saturday in Palmer, and, prior, Anchorage and Fairbanks, and, in doing so, may have exposed a lot of other people not associated with the protest. (Personally, I don’t care, I believe that herd immunity is necessary.)

Black lives matter, unless it is black American killing black American in drug wars in our major cities.  BLM is silent on that slaughter and black on black crime.

Further, BLM has yet to define any remedy for the killings by police, except defunding of  police departments and calling for the death of police officers.  You would think that by now, BLM would have a viable agenda to that end, which they don’t.

BLM  used young adults to give legitimacy and credibility to their propaganda exercise that was the Palmer protest.  Lenin coined a term for that, “useful idiots”.

You might ask yourselves why there were no churches sponsoring such an event, or why the NAACP was not part and parcel of the sponsorship? And, why the speakers offered sound bites, not solutions?

What needs to be done?  End the 1033 program; end qualified immunity, or suspend its use in police related deaths; end no knock warrants, end overwhelming force policies, end MOUT training by the U.S. military; review and correct training and policies.  Create an investigative unit in the governor’s office at the state level for just such cases independent of state and local law enforcement.  And, remove Democrats from office.

On June 7th, Fox news reported that writer, BLM activist and supporter Shaun King stated that Democrat jurisdictions have the worst police abuse records.

Communism requires a dictatorship of the proletariat–us.  Dictatorship.

Those who attended supported an event sponsored and organized by a communist atheist group that openly calls for the overthrow of the U.S. government, the killing of cops, and designates white Americans as racist, based upon their skin color. So much for the peace, love and fraternity angle.