Talent Show

Contributed by Michael C

Who Let the Girls Out is just around the corner, and with that amazing event in downtown Palmer comes the Who let the Girls Out Talent Show! Sponsored by Matanuska Cannabis, 955 The Pass, Make A Scene Magazine, and Michael C Marketing, this show is sure to please with it’s new, larger venue Klondike Mike’s and The Main Street Grill! 10 acts will compete for $1000 and they get one song to do it! Poetry, Comedy, Cover songs, Originals, guitar players, singers, they’re all welcome to this event which happens one night only, on a Saturday in April. Judges include last year’s winner Jerry Wessling and the owner of Matanuska Cannabis Co., Chad Ragsdale. First place gets $500, second $300, and third $200 and attendance is free for those 21 and older. Date and time are TBD, but this event is going to be a lot of fun and it’s right at the height of the Who Let the Girls Out Event, right in the heart of downtown Palmer, AK.

Those interested in sponsoring or participating in this one of a kind event should contact Michael C Marketing: michaelcmarketingak@gmail.com or on Facebook. Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at Who Let the Girls Out and the Talent Show in April.