Thank You for Shopping Local!

Thank You for Shopping Local!

Contributed by Lauren Kane, Frontier Gifts, Talkeetna

A special thank you to all of the Alaskans for shopping local throughout the year! I have a gift shop in Talkeetna, Alaska and elected to stay open year-round this year! I usually close after the tourist season at the end of September, but I got a pleasant surprise that the locals from Talkeetna, Willow, Wasilla, Houston, Big Lake, Eagle River, and Anchorage made trips to visit and shop in Talkeetna throughout the year.

I feel that I have met new neighbors and enjoyed getting to know new friends. This was truly an eye-opener for me to communicate more and more. Plus, I had the extra time to rearrange displays, clean, and order many things ahead of time. It has made it much easier and less stressful to get things in order for the new season this year. I just wanted to take this time to say a big THANK YOU for taking the effort and time to visit Talkeetna in the winter months and buy LOCAL! We truly appreciate your loyal support.