Freedom of the Road

Freedom of the Road

Picture is of my grandson Andrew Hedden

Contributed by Donna Hedden

Congratulations, teen driver! You’ve got your new license, and you’re ready to go! But you’re still just a learner, so please take it slow. You’re growing up fast, and we’re proud as can be. So, we have 8 little rules you must follow carefully.

#1) No texting - or scrolling - or speeding - or tricks. These are Mandatory Rules that cannot be fixed.

#2) Two hands on the wheel - you know what they say. Just do your best, and you’ll be okay.

#3) Buckle your seat belt every time that you drive. And no substances at all - we need you alive.

#4) Take time to adjust each side and rear mirror. You have to make sure everything is seen clearer.

#5) Always look Right and Left - and then again - Left and Right, to watch for cars coming that may be hidden from sight.

#6) Backing up in a straight line – it’s not too hard to do. And driving on the freeway – you’ll learn this way, too.

#7) Although parallel parking is not always easy. Just take your time and don’t go too speedy.

#8) Every night during the week, be back home by 8, and 10 on the weekends, please call if you’re late.

Yes we worry a lot, but we have faith in you too. Because you’re making good choices of what’s right to do. Oh, how EXCITING! New freedom and wings! Now go make the best of what the Road brings.