Why We 5k

Contributed by Hannah Metcalf

This June 18 marks the annual running of HeartReach Center’s 5K for Life. Over the years, a lot has changed in the world of pregnancy help − laws, culture, and technology, to name a few. Through all the changes, one thing remains the same: women, men, and families face pregnancy with feelings of fear and hopelessness. HeartReach exists to offer hope to those individuals through practical classes, medical services, mentorship, and ongoing support.

Our annual 5K for Life is a celebration of what it looks like when a community commits to building one another up. My favorite part of the 5K is seeing past clients bring their families to participate in the event together. It’s wonderful to see what we work towards every day in the center being lived out by community members. We’d love to see you at the race − in your running shoes, on your bike, or pushing your stroller. Make sure to stick around after so we can meet you, have some snacks, and give away a few door prizes!

5k For Life
June 18th, 2022
Trunk Rd Park N Ride 9am-12pm

Early Registration is open now at www.friendsofheartreach.com/5kforlife

On-site registration will be at 9am
Bike Heat - 10am
Run/Walk - 10:30am
The Toddler Dash at the Kid Zone – throughout the event day