Contributed by Katherine Baker
We all live busy lives with limited time to pay attention beyond our families. That's one of the reasons our Congressional representatives are so very important to us. If we find ourselves questioning the loyalty of our representatives-that's probably an indicator we are being inadequately or inappropriately represented.
Today the general consensus on many news and commentary programs, as well as in Washington, D.C., is that Putin and Russia's slaughter of the innocents-including children, the elderly, disabled, infirmed, hospitalized, those who are simply seeking shelter and a safe place from the terror and horror and the everyday working-class men and women-is due to Putin and Russia being scared and afraid. (Anybody else wondering what Putin and Russia has been deceptively doing to be so afraid of the West? Perhaps Putin and Russia should stop doing those things.)
Remember when, not so very long ago, during the Bush and Obama Administrations, when our leaders tried to convince us how a shirtless, horseback riding Putin (looking very much like a Hollywood scripted western) was a reasonable man who seemed nice and personable and was someone with whom they could work? But it didn't stop there. Then they told us Putin ONLY had nuclear weapons because the USA had them and was...(wait for it)...bullying and aggressive towards Putin and Russia and they were afraid!! (How dumb do they think we are? Don't answer that.) Our leadership and the media 'spun' blamed the USA!! (The people, when given access to all the pertinent information through our Constitutional Freedom of Speech, are always right). I wonder what would be happening now IF the USA had destroyed it's nuclear arsenal back then so that Putin and Russia could feel 'safe' as had been suggested. Does Russia and Putin care that little Ukrainian school children have no place in their own country to feel 'safe', not even their homes, their schools, their playgrounds?
Interestingly and oddly, during the same time span, and working 100% in Putin and Russia's favor, USA college campuses went national news with their 'safe places' for students who don't feel 'safe' in the USA. That served to overshadow Putin's newly emerging and unflattering image of being scared and afraid. It preserved his false rugged, shirtless cowboy horse riding image. (Was Putin trying to make Reagan's popular USA image, his own? Did Putin and Russia attempt to use that image to hoodwink the American masses as they had so easily hoodwinked our leaders and media? The power of suggestion? A sort of mind control of the masses?)
Putin, who was once a mystery, has totally removed his mask. That essentially requires him to use force because deceit will no longer work for him on the world stage. Putin's current projected image makes him look like the reach of Hitler from beyond the grave, with his sights set firmly and determinedly on the West and Western allies. Putin's solution for all of his unsubstantiated and contorted hyper-hysterical sounding issues with Ukraine and the West is a final solution of death and destruction. A psychopathic extreme. The Ukrainian people are independent minded and not easy to forcibly control. Sound familiar? They won't mindlessly march in lockstep with Putin's deceptive narratives full of propaganda and disinformation designed to control the masses and make them powerless. The Global Communist People Infrastructure (CPI) is determined to silence independent thinking and opposing voices around the globe.
The Ukrainian people insist on thinking and speaking for themselves. If Russia can silence the Ukrainians it will confirm to the Global CPI that they have proven strategies for silencing all independent voices. Without those independent voices, the CPI will have global domination within their grasp. Russia entered Ukraine to discover just how far they have to go in order to accomplish the submission of the independent thinkers. Whatever it takes, clearly Putin and Russia have shown they are willing to do it. And, perhaps, maybe then, Putin and Russia will feel 'safe'. Their window of opportunity is closing. The clock is ticking. Is anybody else wondering-has the USA's leadership and media outlets been spreading disinformation? And more importantly, is the DHS concerned?