Joyful Living
Contributed by Linda Pelton
It is exciting to be on the downside of Winter now! I have seen new bud formations on trees already. It always seems like magic when Spring fills out the naked branches with vibrant greens.
I really have a passion for nature, love to be out hiking, walking or just be out in it! Recently I walked around Reflection Lake. I enjoyed the 360°views from the top of the three-story walk-up tower. I have picnicked up there before! Then I walked around to the Knik River side of the lake, so much beauty to see! There is a Beaver Lodge on the lake too that can be seen from the trail there. Another adventure was Potters Marsh. It was so fun to walk the elevated board walk and cool wetland areas. Great for bird watching when migrations come. Another great picnic place too!
One thing I really like to do is to create a Spring Wreath. The base can be wire, straw or woven wood. Looking for flowers is fun! Sometimes Thrift Shops have great ones. You can add clip on butterflies, birds, I bird nests whatever you like. I use florists wire or twine to secure, glue gun. Hang up on the front door with a pot of tulips blooming or faux Set below. You may want to give as a gift. Adding some beauty for this new Season.