Rediscover the Art of Twined Rag Rugs
Contributed by Debbie Johnson
Do you want to create something beautiful from materials you would probably just get rid of? Have I intrigued you? Here is something you can create with leftover material from your sewing or quilting projects. The process of this weaving is called twinning, commonly known as a rag rug. My name is Debbie Johnson, and this has become a passion of mine that I would like to share with you. I make rag rugs using extra-large t-shirts as my warp and various materials to twine with, creating very durable, long-lasting, beautiful rugs. My husband crafts the looms, and when you buy one, I will teach you how to use this method. I feel passionate about this craft that has been lost through the years. It dates back to the Depression era when nothing was wasted. Old bed sheets or shirts were used to create this art.
If you are interested in learning this craft, I will be giving lessons and demonstrating it on April 27th as part of "Who Let the Girls Out." The cost of the class is $130; materials will be supplied to start your rug and get you confidently underway on your project. Then, you walk away with a loom and a craft you can continue to create beautiful rugs that will last many years. Please feel free to contact me at 907-631-5944 to sign up! I will call you at the end of March with the details of where it will be in Palmer and what time, as I am planning to have two classes. I am so looking forward to seeing this craft continue and teaching people how to twine!