Palmer Senior Services Center Suspends Daily Congregate Meals

Palmer Senior Services Center Suspends Daily Congregate Meals

Contributed by Linda Combs

Palmer Senior Services Center


Last month on February 17th the following message was shared with the Palmer Senior Center membership, the staff and the public. 

“Effective Monday 02/20/2023, the Board of Directors of Mat-Su Senior Services (MSSS) has made the challenging decision to stop congregate meal service at the Palmer Senior Center.  Home delivered meal service will continue as this service serves many homebound seniors who are most in need and remains our top priority. Additionally, the Senior Center will remain open for volunteer run and supported events, social interaction and other activities such as the library, computer room, gift shop, exercise rooms, pool table and information/referral services, as well as commodities.  We hope you will continue to visit your senior center and enjoy these services.

The decision to close our in-person congregate meal program was not an easy choice.  As your Board, we understand its value firsthand.  Likewise, we enjoy seeing one another to catch-up, share stories and fellowship together.  Staff leadership, including Tim Pettit, CEO, and Beth Westland, COO, are working tirelessly each day to manage day-to-day activities at the Center.  We hope you will join the Board in giving them your full support as we navigate these challenging decisions together.   

Like you, MSSS has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years.  First, a global pandemic that virtually changed life, as we knew it, on a moment’s notice.  As we slowly attempted to adjust to the pandemic, inflation began to soar to record levels not seen since the 1980s.  We know you too have faced growing food costs, utility increases and of course, the pain associated with filling your vehicles at the pump, among other items.  We were right along with you facing those exact same challenges, only on a much larger scale.  The time has come we must be honest with you and ourselves and deal with those challenges directly.  This is not easy, nor will it be painless.   

In 2010, the senior population (those 60 and older) in the Mat-Su Borough stood at 11,353.  Today, the population of seniors 60 and over has grown 105% and now stands at 23,224.  In 2022, one in five Borough residents was now 60 or older.  

MSSS funds its meals programs through Title III of the Older Americans Act.  Those Federal funds are available to all persons aged 60 and older, but are targeted to those in greatest economic or social need, particularly low-income and minority persons, older individuals with limited English proficiency and older persons residing in rural areas.  Participants are encouraged to make voluntary contributions for services they receive.  Despite short significant adjustments in FY20 and FY21 (Covid 19 response), national funding for all states has seen only modest increases since 2012.  State funding has been flat for many years.  Legislation is currently proposed to increase senior grant funding by nearly $1.5M statewide.  While we applaud those efforts, it will take time.  Mat-Su’s share of both Federal/State funding remains to be seen for future years, but is currently just below $650,000, which in turn is distributed between senior provider agencies in the area. “ 

This news was hard to understand and certainly not welcome. Immediately there were half a million questions, offers of solutions and a lot of misinformation and rumors began to circulate. In response to the questions and rumors, several members of the Center’s Board of Directors and myself, undertook to exchange concerns with anyone who attended our monthly “Chit Chat” program on the last Friday of the month. 

That meeting provided the Board with feedback and interesting proposals submitted for consideration on the possible uses of our Facility and other paths for fundraising. Reviewing the information shared at the Chit Chat, it was determined answers would be provided in a concise effort starting with a presentation at our February Membership meeting titled “How Did We Get Here”.  This presentation delivered financial information starting with our fiscal year 2015. The Board feels strongly that taking a view of the past aids all efforts to move forward and eventually add programs and services for our members and our community.

Next? Even as the Board and staff are working every day to implement strong policies and programs, we are preparing to share that proposed path and listen to others at our next two gatherings. The first is on March 31st at our Chit Chat taking place in our dining room at 10:00am. And ongoing plans and information will be shared at the April membership meeting on Wednesday, April 12th at 11:30 am, once again in our dining room.

Please look to the Palmer Senior Center for any questions you may have about our organization and attend these presentations.