Books Are Not The Enemy

Books Are Not The Enemy

Contributed by Nancy Racek

I, for one, like to make sense of the world around me. However, this attempt to ban books belies  that. With all that’s going on in the world that’s a top priority for some? Really?    

The big question I have is “WHY”? I’ve been told the answers are things like race, gender identity, history and  sex. These issues aren’t going to disappear by banning books.They are all a part who we are, have been and of the world in which we live. In my suspicious mind I hear,  to paraphrase Shakespeare, “Methinks they do protest too much!” Is there something that goes on behind closed doors that might come out in some of these books? Is there a fear of some kind of exposure? Just what is it? Something is definitely amiss. The effort has become so desperate it’s eroded into name calling!  I had an anti- book banning person who attended a meeting of some sort  tell me they had been called a “pedophile”! That’s classy! Besides, wouldn’t a “pedophile” be in favor of book bans not against?  Again, there’s a question about motive here! None of this passes the smell test! Whatever the motive the truth will come out!

There  is a bit of irony associated with the attempt. Bans seldom work because they generate  an interest in whatever is being banned. For example:  I printed out the list of the 50+ books on the banned list and am trying to read them all! Some I had already read but most I had never heard of! I’m being enlightened! The sales of the listed books are a bonus to book sellers and authors! 
While I  don’t object to people censoring their own book choices, I am opposed to trying to censor or ban what I, my family or others , choose to read! That’s treading on personal freedom and certainly won’t resolve any personal demons!

Imagine how much could be done for the greater good by focusing all this time and energy on things that really matter like poverty, homelessness and food insecurity.