Washington’s Third Vision

Washington’s Third Vision

Contributed by Larry Wood

During the deprivations of starvation, disease and misery at Valley Forge during the Great American Revolution, George Washington had three visions of this country’s future.  The first covered the Great American Revolution and the Second the then future Civil War.  The Third, is what concerns, as I believe that is now being played out.

George Washington’s Third Vision is harsh and draconian.  It was revealed to Washington a vision of invasion, war, and deprivation with our towns and cities under attack from every direction. This war went on for years.  Eventually, the war was won at great cost. My opinion is that the ground work for this attack was laid out by Obama and is being effected by the Biden Administration with its open borders and the attack upon our culture and Christianity.

Who are the invaders Washington saw in his Vision?

They are the millions of illegals who come by sea and by land up the Pan American Highway, and down from Canada or fly directly into the U.S.  They are not stopped, the flow continues unabated without seeming restraint.  They are the drug Cartel soldados and mules who carry drugs into the U.S. to kill our children.  They are the tens of thousands of military age males who may be agent provocateurs and terrorists who slip into this country anonymously in the river of illegal migrants who want jobs.

Since Biden took office, it is estimated that at least 15 million illegals have come across the southern border.  Most are military age males from every region on earth.  Too many have unknown motivations and affiliations that may be hostile to the U.S.  Most just want to work, to earn money and to go back home. Biden violated his oath of office when he opened the borders by executive edict to a purposeful mass invasion by millions of  illegals into this country without health, criminal, or political checks to insure that they are not a threat to this country and its people.

Worse, our treasure is being handed the invader in the form of money, housing, and medical benefits without accountability to be paid by the taxpayer that is denied even our veterans to encourage the uninterrupted flow of those who will destroy this Republic.

The Biden Administration has enabled its treason through the artifice of administrative oversight through Executive Orders and by regulation.  This strategy avoids the oversight of the Congress and the Judiciary.  The underlying Cloward-Piven strategy is being served through the diminishment of law enforcement and the refusal to enforce laws in Democrat controlled cities, counties and states with the ensuing increase in violent crime.

Michael Yon, a veteran combat journalist who has studied the migrant issue has been to the Darien Gap in Panama and has seen first hand the migrant camps run by NGOs and the U.N.  What has him disturbed is that the alleged refugees from the Peoples Republic of China are  in two distinct camps, separated from each other and other migrants.  One camp has people with families, the other, is strictly military age males who do not talk to anyone, nor is anyone allowed into that camp.

Groups continually flow into and out of the camps and north to the U.S.

Hezbolla and other Islamic terrorist groups have training camps in the tri-border area of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay.  Their hard core Muslim acolytes and more drugs move through the tri-border area and then north to the U.S. It does not take much stretch of the imagination to believe that an insurgency is being funneled into the  U.S.
Like Europe’s 2015 invasion by migration, military age male Muslims from the Middle East and elsewhere are being encouraged to join the invasion. Biden has plans to bring in 10s of thousands from Gaza alone.
Remember what Angelica Merkel said to the women of Germany after over 1,000 sexual assaults by Muslims against German women and girls in Cologne, Germany on Christmas Eve, 2015?  To paraphrase, ‘Get used to it.  This is the new Germany and rape is part of that reality.’

So, it shall be here.  Read the Qur’an.

There is a reason that every Democrat controlled city, county and state are failing, and drug, homeless and crime ridden.  It is by design, the incompetent are chosen to lead for a reason.  Communist revolutions love anarchy.

We are living through Washington’s Third Vision.
The ride has just begun.
This year’s vote will be the most important of your life.