They Stole My Castle! (Part 4)
Contributed by David Bartels
$10,000.00 reward upon My approval for a member of the Bar (Judge or Lawyer) who
can “prove” by clear and unquestionable authority of “law”not by mere
“say so”) “NO”following point Is true and NOT fraud, unlawful, and VOID
(which the servants used to deprive Me of my Castle etc.) Including but not
limited to:
1. The outside the Law “Code”of Civil “Procedure” created by/of the servants over rules theSupreme Law of the Land of We the People in our Warrant and due Process of Law clauses.
2. The “boundaries” of the “Third Judicial District” are prescribed by “Law” in which to toexercise jurisdiction. (None exist, only by SCO)
3. After the fraudulent “notice” of deprivation of My Castle in the Decree of Divorce NO scheduled “hearing” was provided before transfer of title.
4. NO separate Final “Judgment” document was ever rendered. (None exists!) (124)
5. NO authority of law was demonstrated that the Plaintiff has a superior “legal right” to mine to the whole of “their” castle and other private property in our no fault divorce. (None exists).
6. NO clear and unquestionable authority of law a superior court of the Alaska Court System has “power” prescribed by law in our no fault divorce to violate our Warrant clause and involuntarily deprive Me of My Castle and other private property (None exists).
7. NO “persons” prescribed by law under or subject to the jurisdiction of the code of civil“procedure” in our no fault divorce. (None exist).
8. Employee Cutler fraudulently hand wrote on my 2nd Order withdrawing all of My consent: “It ‘appears’ the relief sought is unavailable”. (Citing no authority of law to support her lie, andopposing Counsel Barron in ACS Supreme Court hearing said: “Frankly, Judge Cutler and I did NOT know what to do with it.” “it” means my timely formal withdrawal of ALL of my consent.
9. servants are engaged in Crime NOT Justice and violated “the supreme Law”)? Everyone knows much injustice exists in their court System and many servants and Lawyers are Indifferent to and advocates of violations of the universal supreme Law,” Thou shalt not Steal, and the Supreme Law of the Land of man in our Warrant clause: the right of the people to be SECURE in their persons, HOUSES, papers and other property “SHALL NOT be violated!”OurWarrant clause essentially secures our ALL from being deprived without a Warrant which inproper cases issues for criminal activity: or violations of law in a “criminal case.” Not in a mere private civil matter under “equal protection of the Law”in a NO-fault divorce which proceeds NOT “in Law” and involves NO crime and No violation of the Law and “a private realm offamily life which the state CANNOT enter.” Servants cease and desist in your Crime, fraud, and injustice NOW! Blessings to ALL!