Rob Yundt for State Senate

Rob Yundt for State Senate

Contributed by Rob Yundt

When I ran for Mat-Su Borough Assembly in 2020, it was to stop three terrible pieces of legislation the left was trying to force through during COVID. Their goal was, and still is, to turn the Mat-Su Borough into Anchorage. Since then, I have fought passionately as Deputy Mayor of the MSB to prevent that from happening. Now, I want to do the same in Juneau as your State Senator.

Over the last decade, unfortunately, the Alaska State Senate has not prioritized the needs of the people in recent years. Honestly, they are still supporting the Bill Walker agenda even though Alaskans overwhelmingly rejected that mentality after a single term as Governor. I am running because this is not a Senate, I can be proud of nor is it one who has my children’s best interest in mind.

Parental rights should be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, our current Senate passed legislation (SB240 & SB24) that strips parents’ rights away. Thankfully, the State House & Governor shut this down for now.

Our daughters and wives need protection from the radical left, who attack their rights daily. Washington and Oregon both crowned men as state champions in girls’ track and field divisions this season. Twenty-four states have passed legislation to prevent this, but Alaska is not one of them. I will make it my life’s mission to protect women and girls' sports, private spaces (such as restrooms) & overall rights.

Alaska has the highest overdose rates in the country. We need stiffer laws against drug dealers. The same goes for predators found guilty of sexual assault; penalties must be much harsher.

Experts say we're less than two years away from importing natural gas because our leaders in Juneau have failed to solve the Cook Inlet natural gas shortage, despite knowing about it for over a decade. When we start importing natural gas, utility costs will double or triple overnight. Alaskans should use our own safe, clean, low-cost resources rather than import them at higher costs. I will fight daily to keep our living costs low.

The Alaska Railroad needs a financial audit. Our Governor & House both support an audit, but our current State Senate voted against it. How can Alaskans be sure our money is spent wisely if we can't audit state organizations?

We must prioritize our seniors & disabled veterans by ensuring fiscal responsibility and fighting for the PFD.  We should also increase the property tax exemption for their homes (state minimum is $150K, which has never been adjusted for inflation). My legislation in the MSB increased it to 268K. Now we need to do this statewide for all our elders. I will fight daily to protect our seniors' well-being.

We must revitalize the timber industry to create jobs, reduce inflation, & protect our state against wildfires. This industry once created over 4,000 jobs annually in Alaska. After Bill Clinton passed legislation in 1999 stopping us from harvesting on federal lands, we now have fewer than 100 jobs left in this industry. On state land alone, Alaska has more healthy timber than any other state. It's time to start harvesting again on our lands without worrying about Washington, D.C thinks.

The State of Alaska controls 73.9% of the land inside the Mat-Su Borough but doesn't pay us a cent in property taxes to help fund education or maintain our roads. I will immediately file legislation to return this land to our local MSB government so it can be auctioned to residents, bringing down land costs & inflation for housing.

Election integrity desperately needs common-sense reform. The State must stop leasing electronic voting machines from companies in other countries & return to hand counts like in the MSB. This keeps money in the local economy & ensures election results the night of, rather than weeks later. Other election integrity issues, like bloated voter rolls (over 100K more voters than voting-age residents in Alaska), need to be addressed. Ranked choice voting must go as well!

Our children need to be better prepared for the real world when they leave school. Under my leadership these last three years, we expanded trades-based classes in the MSB by 217%. We must do the same statewide, so our children will be prepared for a successful life when they graduate high school.

The legislative session should be on the road system rather than in Juneau, so residents can afford to participate in the process. The only reason they meet in Juneau is so most people can't come to see them. I will immediately file legislation to move the legislative session to the road system after being elected.

As a candidate for State Senate, I want to do the same thing I've done as your Assemblyman and Deputy Mayor of the Mat-Su Borough: return power to the residents, lower our expenses to increase the PFD, and fight to keep the Valley the greatest place in Alaska to live and raise a family.

Reach out to me anytime about any issue important to you so that I can help you as your next State Senator.

Robert Yundt

Support my Campaign at or contact 907-232-8340 (call or text anytime),