Contributed by Charles D. Walker

I believe that Trump is an Anti-Christlike figure.
He fits the image the literalist teach.
Last time there were false prophets.
They said Trump would win, but he lost.

Trump knows about Agenda 47 and Project2025.
He lied to you in 2016.
He lied to you in 2020.
He lies to you in 2024.
The courts know he didn't win.
They know he’s a pathological liar.
And only fools vote for pathological liars.

Women will come out to vote.
Men will come out to vote.
Screw the polls.
Trump is a Felon.
Felons don’t get to vote.
Then felons don’t get to run a country.

Trump is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
He is a false chosen one.
The Heritage Foundation are Fascists.
Trump admits a desire to be a Dictator Day one.

America is the home of the brave, and the land of the free.
Dictatorship is enslavement.