Back by Popular Demand

Back by Popular Demand

2nd Edition Contributed by Joseph & Cheryl Homme

A comprehensive and illustrated history of Palmer’s businesses and buildings, which also chronicles individual business owners and dates of business operation from 1897 to 1970.  Discusses the challenges of operating a business during the frontier days of Alaska and the efforts by business owners to build and eventually incorporate the City of Palmer.

-          314 pages, fully indexed

-          History and analysis

-          410 photographs

-          An inventory and timeline of more than 1,000 businesses

-          Biographical sketches of selected business owners

2nd Edition BOOK AVAILABILITY in 2024:

-          September 16th at Palmer Moose, 7pm, book launch & presentation.

-          Beginning September 17th at Fireside Books 720 S. Alaska Street, and at The Colony House Museum, and the Visitor’s Center in Palmer.

-          November 18th at Palmer Moose, 8pm (after Historical Society History Night)

ISBN: 978-0-692-95257-3


Other Books by Joseph and Cheryl Homme:

Cures and Chaos: The Life & Times of Dr. Vincent Hume and His Impact on a Frontier Alaska Town (Palmer)

-          Retro Romance: Classic Tips for Today’s Couple

-          Storybook Culture: The Art of Popular Children’s Books