I Want My Flag Back

I Want My Flag Back

Contributed by Jim Funk

Our flag used to be a symbol for the free, the brave, "bring me your poor".
We are not free when we are not allowed to kneel to the flag, when we are murdered for protesting and our murderer acquitted.
We are not brave when we kill an unarmed black teenager who is at the wrong door.

We are not inviting to immigrants to join us when we build a wall (I will never understand the Christian concept of "this is mine and you can't have any").
Every flag waving on a porch is a scared white man with a gun who will shoot you out of fear.
If you are lost and need help, the porch with a stars and stripes flag better not be your option.
We are no longer a democracy and no longer follow the constitution. This started when Mitch refused to give Obama his Supreme Court judge. It has slippery sloped into now, when we do not have an election (when both sides agree on an outcome). No election means we have no democracy.
By definition, politicians in a democracy are to compromise and work together. Not one single person is 100% right or 100% wrong. If you can't find 6 agreeable points from the other side of the "aisle" then you are part of the demise of our democracy.
We need to oust all pseudo politicians who have their own agenda and are not willing to compromise and work together for all the people.