What Ever Happened to Aunt Ruby

What Ever Happened to Aunt Ruby

Contributed by Yvonne Moss

Living on a farm in Thomas County Kansas,
There were no doctors to be had.
My mother’s younger sister, Ruby
Was the closest that we had.

She, a blur to me by memory,
At the tender age of three,
But her fame and reputation
Stuck deep, resonant with me.

The youngest, of my mother’s sisters,
There were many to be had,
A short, crisp and tidy lass was she,
And true sport for any lad.

The most exciting act I had heard,
Uncle Marion, required help
And Aunt Ruby’s talents needed when
A thresher took his scalp

Aunt Ruby was summoned, thusly
And prompt she was, indeed.
For Marion required surgery
Which Ruby knew his need.

Without hesitation, she
Drew suture and needle, thus.
She cleaned both wound and skin
And sewed beyond a fuss.

When all was said and done,
She packed up with dismay,
And turned to family members saying,
“I’ve a baby due today!”

Nurse Ruby, as she was known,
Had her rounds to make.
My uncle’s needed was addressed and met,
But her duties, she didn’t slake.  

I never knew what happened
To my competent little aunt.
I do believe she carried on with her work
Because no one dared say, “Can’t”.