Contributed by State Senator Mike Shower
First… Yes, I am running for re-election. Here’s a report on my first 4 years:
A primary mission was to repeal SB91 (catch & release crime bill). I’m happy to report that was accomplished. I worked hard alongside like-minded legislators with the Governor and we successfully enacted the repeal of SB91. I was one of 6 legislators selected for the conference committee to negotiate repeal provisions enacted in the 2019 session. There is much more work to do regarding public safety.
I’ve worked to end the unethical “binding caucus”. Promising to vote for anything or requiring someone else to is a felony in Alaska law, yet the legislature has for decades. I spoke with legislators in every other state (except one) and learned we are the only state to do this! We’re making progress – there isn’t one in the senate - and I’ve introduced legislation to make it illegal.
My budget amendment this year passed for a statutory PFD - $4200. Unfortunately, it was narrowly voted down in the House which allowed the finance co-chairs to reduce it to $3200. That extra $1000 per Alaskan would be very helpful right now with food & fuel prices. I have repeatedly proposed amendments, worked on bills, and voted for the full PFD every single year to “follow the statute”. The PFD is a tremendous help to the middle class & poor – I won’t back down on this.
2022 saw high oil prices and record permanent fund growth. I’ve normally voted no on the budget, but this year because we could fully fund it, while significantly increasing the capital budget (infrastructure) we’re a decade behind on, and “almost” distribute a statutory PFD (still the highest on record) - all while still putting money into savings and without one penny of deficit spending, I felt ok voting yes. If we have money and need to spend it – we should – if we don’t, we shouldn’t - simple concept.
As a member of the 2021 bi-partisan fiscal policy working group, 5 republicans & 7 democrats, we put politics aside and found a way to agree on paths forward including protecting the PFD in the constitution, changing the constitutional spending cap so it works, and options to reduce the budget and enact sensible revenue (taxes) for a long-term balanced budget solution. No more arbitrary PFD amounts, over spending or uncertainty year to year. Alaska must enact a comprehensive, long term and sustainable fiscal policy if we are to ensure a stable tax and business environment. It's a priority for me to enact those recommendations moving forward.
I have been working on our election system including cleaning up our voting rolls, increasing cyber security, ballot tracking, ballot curing, open-source election software & hardware and much more. Election reform is a contentious issue. 2 major bills, one democrat & one republican (mine). We realized neither would pass the other body and worked together on a bi-partisan bill taking major steps forward. In the very last hour of this session, we were held up by the amendment process. While beyond our control it almost passed. I’ll keep trying.
I introduced legislation to change how our judges are selected. Our state constitution says the supreme & superior courts are to be filled as selected by the judicial council. The lower courts (appellate, district and magistrate) as prescribed by law. My legislation follows other states which provide a broader pool of applicants and more input from the people’s representatives for those lower courts. We must stop allowing a trade organization to pick an entire branch of government with its own choices. Currently you don’t get to elect judges – merely retain them.
I didn’t have a chance to visit the district at all in 2020 nor much in 2021 due to people’s concern over covid. There’s a challenging list of issues we face: logistics supply chain issues, food security, growing inflation, costs of food, fuel and other commodities plus an anemic economy still hurt from covid policies. The state must help, not stand in the way of, progress & growth.
Finally, I was a no on the constitutional convention. Today I’m a solid yes. Why? I’ve realized your state government will never solve the PFD or spending problem. I’ll vote yes for it on the November ballot. YOU will choose the delegates through an election, and they can be ANY Alaskan. Those delegates have the power to enact the only 2 things I believe would pass – the PFD & spending cap. If you are still concerned – remember YOU will have the final vote. Any amendments must be approved by the people at the next election. You have the power – use it.
Michelle and I would love your support to return and finish what we started.