Finding Joy in Your Own Backyard

Contributed by Kiki
Valley Charities

Know what’s better than sitting on the porch on a sweltering hot day with the kids?  It’s sitting on the porch with your kids whilst enjoying the beauty you created for birds visiting your backyard.   The benefit of fostering a love for nature and birds with your children is something that the whole family can enjoy and participate in. 

A successful backyard habitat can be accomplished with:

· Bird Food

· Feeder

· Clean water

· Nesting materials

· Plants that attract birds and use for shelter

Environmentally educational, learn about each of the birds who visit.  Discover which backyard birds migrate to Alaska in the Spring, and which are here year-round.  Why are the male birds more colorful than the females?  Organize a bird walk to discover different personalities each species has, identify birds by their song, etc.

Turn-A-leaf Thrift Store is having a free Backyard Birding Challenge event through August 14, 2022.  We were excited happy to host Little Friends Child Care & Preschool  as the class boldly came in to sign up and accept the challenge. 

Please stop in today to sign up for a free birding journal and pretend binoculars while supplies last.  Participants who find 7 of the 11 birds will be awarded with a certificate of achievement and button.  A drawing will be held on  August 15, 2022 for National Geographic Bird Book and Safari kit.