There is a New Day, And This is It!

There is a New Day, And This is It!

Contributed by Anthony Irsik

“There is a new day, and this is it!”
said colonists as they sat transfixed,
upon the shores of Alyeska,
ready to farm the Matanuska. 

“There is a new day, and this is it!”
Shouted all the homeless in their tents,
As their first house was being built up,
Just as winter’s frost was at its cusp. 

“There is a new day, and this is it!”
Came the farming family’s cry, with bliss,
As their first buds burst out of the ground,
Breaking through the Great Depression’s mound,

“There is a new day, and this is it!”
Cackled the government as they mixed,
Up the currency with which they paid,
Where once was the dollar, Bingles laid.
“There is a new day, and this is it!”
Cheered the barman as he gladly lift-
-ed a sign accepting Bingle coin,
And with his loud cheer the people joined.

“There is a new day, and this is it!”
Muttered stone mason as he carved this,
Phrase into rock so that all would know,
The hope with which Palmer did grow.