Contributed by Doug Ferguson
How To Bring Down America (And Make it Ripe for Revolution)
If you had power over a large modern international Marxist movement or just were an elite who wanted to use it to take over the world, you would recognize that the free western world was the biggest obstacle in your way. This is especially true of the United States of America, with it’s dynamic entrepreneurial economy, democratic republic, capitalistic freedoms, and large middle class that has resulted in a powerful economy and history’s largest increase in human standard of living. Because of these factors, you would realize it might take a generation or two to weaken and eliminate it as an obstacle.
Therefore there are various strategies you would use to break down America and create the chaos, fear and dissent necessary to foment the revolution required to weaken it. Here are a few of the more obvious ones:
1) Start with their youth and by infiltrating all the educational institutions, teach them the poorest among them are victims and the well-off are guilty of privilege and prejudiced against the poorest. Also teach them that the very foundations of their countries and societies were wrong and the cause of all this. Use whatever version of actual history works best for this, regardless of either truth or reality.
2) Teach them that the older generation (including their parents, grandparents and older relatives) are part of this problem and that it is up to their “new” generation to change the situation. Also teach them “The End Justifies the Means” to do this.
3) As the children conditioned by the above “education” mature into young adults, recruit the most dissatisfied of them and motivate them to your “social justice” cause. Have them infiltrate the various institutions outlined below to make their life’s mission to either change or destroy these. Teach them that fear and social intimidation are powerful tools to do this.
4) Infiltrate and utilize movements that originally were started and have helped to correct real problems to keep the discord and controversy ongoing. Two that come to mind are first, the Civil Rights movement that can still be used to create the “victims” needed for the class conflict. Second is the environmental/”global warming” movement that can be used to neuter the industries that support the current western standards of living and defense systems.
5) Push for uncontrolled immigration from the poorest countries into the United States. This does three things. First it creates more of the low wage “victim” class. Second it provides a cover for infiltration by revolutionaries from other countries. Third, it allows criminals and drug suppliers to enter and help to destabilize existing society.
6) Encourage the dissatisfied young adult recruits you have found above to run for political offices in neighborhoods with the poorest and/or most immigrants. They can push for policies that help your cause under the guise of helping the constituents that voted for them. Running for city councils and school boards can be done as “independents” or “neutral” candidates without revealing one’s true intentions for revolutionary changes.
7) Look for the most corrupt politicians in all levels of government, and find ways to bribe/lobby them for laws and policies beneficial to your cause. Those in office the longest are the most used to being “lobbied” and most have taken personal financial advantage of such opportunities in the past.
8) By infiltrating our military colleges, indoctrinate future leaders that any form of discrimination, especially sexual, must be corrected with “social justice” policies. This will result in weakening of combat military unity and thus weaken the ability to defend threats to the nation.
9) Use propaganda to convince those in our religious organization’s hierarchies that the role of the church needs include political action for “social justice” to address the class problems outlined above besides the traditional role of promoting individual faith and spiritual salvation. This promotion of “victimhood” over “salvation” will reduce support from the existing middle class “faithful” and eventually weaken or destroy these local family and community stabilizing institutions.
10) Finally find ways to influence and utilize the oligarchies controlling today’s all powerful mainstream media to support your cause in all the above actions. For example, if there is a new health or weather crisis available to utilize for more fear and control, they can do the most to promote it. Develop methods of helping influence their markets to benefit your cause. With their instantaneous and world wide communication power provided by modern technology, they can be the most effective tools you can have.
Isn’t that much of what we see happening today? If you and I can see this, why can’t our leaders, or don’t we have any?
Doug Ferguson is a retired engineer living in Palmer who has had a life long interest in history and human behavior.