The Emperor
Contributed by Brittani Grace
Deck: Mermaid Tarot by Leeza Robertson Illustrations by Julie
Card: #4 The Emperor
Hello everybody! Welcome to my column. Each month I will draw a Major Arcana tarot card which represents one of many possible paths to follow. Major Arcana cards represent the archetypical themes of life, presenting the overall possible experiences.
This month, we plant ourselves into a secure and grounded position. After all that we have learned, discussed, evaluated and acknowledged these last twenty months, we stand on a solid and firm foundation of strength; pushing us forward into taking on the leadership roles in our own lives. We step up and accept the responsibility for our active roles in our reality creation.
The Emperor is the Divine Masculine counterpart to The Empress. He is stably solid in mind and action. Each of us is made up of both these energies, and when we are balanced, when we embrace both parts of ourselves, we are able to be secure in who we are. The masculine allows the feminine to be just that, feminine. With our healthy masculine, we feel safe to allow ourselves to be the silly, nurturing, and intuitive beings we naturally are. We step into ourselves and accept our gifts, struggles, and strengths that make up the very essence of who we are. Facing the fears of progress with stability is leadership. When we put ourselves out there, when we are genuine and vulnerable with another human being, we offer a space for them to be that as well. Being strong enough to offer a secure and safe space is being an Emperor.
Of course, just like anything in this world, we must remember to strive for progress, not perfection. When we have those days where we don't necessarily feel steady in ourselves; when the “imposter syndrome” takes over and we set into a funk of doubting ourselves, we can feel as though it would be easier if we didn’t take an active role in our moment-to-moment and just pass the responsibility on. A true leader knows the importance of accepting the responsibility, and that is who we are. We are the leaders, main characters, and protagonists in our very own stories. If anything, this shows us how important it is to have a community of people to help us through these depths and rise back to our thrones. The Emperor has the weight of his people on his shoulders, and is surrounded by a council of advisors to help steer him on his path, but ultimately, it is The Emperor who makes the final decision, with the support of the Empress.
Being in an Emperor “state of mind” allows us to stand up for our value. We are able to stand tall in what it is we offer the world and accept our worthiness in what is ours. For example, accepting payment for services offered. By being comfortable charging people and accepting the payment, we take part in an energy exchange of the continuous flow of give-and-take and protect our biggest asset, ourselves. I know for me, when I first started my business I had a very hard time with charging more than a few dollars. I hated the idea that someone might need help but couldn’t get it from me because of a set price. I started this business specifically with the mission of helping, of being a light for people who were in the depths; to inspire those who have worked so hard in their own journeys and maybe just needed a little boost.
As I have continued on, I have raised my prices somewhat, but not as much as others have strongly suggested. “progress, not perfection.” My own Emperor state of mind is still healing and growing. A huge part of this for me has been about accepting and embracing the unknown true power of the light that flows through me. Just because I may not fully understand all that I am at every turn, doesn’t mean that I am worth any less.
Sometimes, because we don’t fully understand, we might think the best choice is to shy away from growing into all that we could offer. I have all the tools I need in my tool box, so why not take the time to learn exactly what each one is, even in the shadowy fear of being wrong.
When we stand solid as a leader in our Emperor roles, this puts us into a state of being ready for what comes next. Moving forward, in any endeavor, can be scary, hard and intimidating when its unknown. Being sure of who we are, at our core, helps us to feel ready and guarded for the curve balls life throws at us. When we make decisions from a stable place within, we move forward with more ease. We are less likely to be swayed by other people’s opinions or doubts. We do what feels best for ourselves, so that no matter what the outcome is, we know we did what was right for us. That security strengthens our value; as we confidently jump into trying new experiences, move to new cities, try new classes at the gym, express ourselves with budding friendships, and feel absolutely great that we are brave enough to live. We are brave enough to acknowledge the courage it takes to move forward in the face of fear.
Next month, we will dive deeper into the unknown.